Log Status






Time Played

53h 6m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 17, 2023

Platforms Played


Had been a good while since I last played an Assassin's Creed game, Syndicate at release being the last one I tried, and I have to say Origins was a great title to come back to.
While the many changes make it feel quite different from the classic assassin's creed experience, it still feels like an assassin's game and tells an important story for the series, with Aya and Bayek being two of the best characters we've seen so far and Egypt being absolutely gorgeous. I also appreciate how the modern day story seems to be getting back on track.
If I have to complain about anything it would be the super simplified parkour elements that have zero depth, and the stealth also not being incentivised at all, new combat is fun but I was getting a bit tired of it by the end.