6 reviews liked by Doraccount

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Voy a hablar de lo poco bueno:

-Los personajes están bien hechos y no se ven diseños lamentables como en otras VN.

-Se profundiza más en las personalidades, facetas e historias de los personajes que a lo que fueron en el anime.

-Buena música.

-Mantiene doblaje.

Hablando de la historia. Los eventos ocurren en un post de la quinta guerra del grial, dónde extrañamente todos a excepción de kirei existen, está parte como si hubiesen ocurrido todos los eventos de las 3 rutas, así que secuela no es. Se trata de una recreación de la quinta guerra del grial dónde al final del cuarto día o cuando por acciones de la trama, terminas muriendo, se te regresa al inicio para que sigas descubriendo más pistas sobre los misterios e ir por las rutas seguras. A pesar de haber una historia detrás, casi un 80% del tiempo solo estarás en conversaciones de relleno como ir de compras, la escuela, citas, hablar de libros y demás burradas a pesar de que claramente hay algo malo que esta ocurriendo en la ciudad, por lo que se pierde demasiado el sentido de inmersión además de hartar demasiado, normalmente ni siquiera sentirás que hay una historia detrás y más parece un slince of life.
La historia de angra mainyu se siente demasiado pretenciosa, demasiadas exageraciones. Ademas hay una escena eroge super innecesaria con él, que ademas es grotesca y desagradable.
Se agradece ver mas interacciones y facetas de otros personajes de SN que no se pudo en su momento, pero no me parece excusa para que esto sea la trama principal y lo mas interesante quede en segundo plano. Además, al ser VN apenas hay juego. Me parece malo y ya.

Really a great game. Didn't hook me up for the first three chapters but after that things got interesting and I was pretty invested.

There are some bits that are pretty boring to read through tho (especially the Achi scenario)... and some things are easy to predict.

It's fun to play as Bazette and Luvia. All this needs is some more extra modes for fun minigames.

My opinion of DDLC has waned over the years, as I've played through it enough to see it as only just barely hitting the mark of a well-executed psychological horror game. But I think, with the extra side stories included within this "expansion", I am able to appreciate it a lot more.
The greatest part of this game was always the characters. They were well designed and have some great interactions together.
My biggest gripe with the main game was that it ends up focusing on the "breaking the fourth wall" haunted game surprise concept a lot more than the actual characters. This is certainly what Dan Salvato was going for (he says as much in the end note), but I couldn't help but feel that Doki's strongest aspect was not the horror, but the dark reality of the character's hidden mental states and secrets. This is EXACTLY what the side stories focus on and I couldn't be happier. They focus on relationships between the four characters. No computer glitches or creepy text, just raw visual novel story with emotions flying high.
I feel that everything about this part just works. The writing is beautifully done, the visuals continue to compliment the story and the new soundtrack was a delight to hear. I was extremely touched by these chapters.
Unfortunately for me, it's very likely that any future DDLC games will be related to the other aspect of this world, being that DDLC is a simulation created by some unknown organization. I can only assume the focus will be on this fictional world housing DDLC's fictional world, which is a bit disappointing for me. Still, I did like the improvements made to the menu, with the new desktop making it much easier to open and close the game, as well as being an efficient way to keep track of which scenes you have and haven't seen.
Whether or not you'll enjoy DDLC+ really depends on how much you like psychological horror, but are also willing to sit in for some really good and emotional VN fun (or the other way around).