Older Zelda games are just kinda meh


Basically Journey, except underwater. Also, it's a visual spectacle, and is actually engaging and fun... unlike Journey. :)

I've never seen any 'Alien' movie so I have no attachment there. This game still manages to be spooky, and interesting to meander around in. Exploring was always a good time and there was plenty of legitimate tension.

I found this kinda forgettable, tbh. Not Housemarques best.

It was fine? I don't remember why, but I didn't like it despite loving rhythm games.

I enjoyed what I played, for the most part. I just haven't been in to shooters the last few years so I didn't spend too much time with it. I do think it's one that I COULD get really in to, though. (but I won't)

I vaguely remember playing this game, it clearly wasn't great. Meh.

Only played multiplayer with Cody. It was a LOT of fun, but it's probably not actually a very good game.

Good for its time, but this forumla has been done to death and this franchise represents repetitive open-world design at its worst. The series peaked super early right here.

I don't remember this game very well, I just remember thinking it was... fine.

Super cool way to showcase the PS5 controller's features. It has a unique soundtrack and atmosphere as well. The crazy amount of references is appreciated. I enjoyed every minute of it, it was a joy.