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January 4, 2019

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Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition
Beaten January 4th. It was a pleasant experience mostly going back through the first Gears game. I definitely remember now having played at least the first Act or two at some point, but I don't believe I ever finished it. Getting an X1 for Black Friday is feeling more like a good investment. The game shows its age in a lot of ways, a frustrating checkpoint system made me redo several sections hoping that the enemies would be dumb next time so I wouldn't have to do the sequence again. The big boss fights at the end with the Brumak and General took many tries, as did the Fenix manor battle. I wussed out and set the the sequel to casual.

Despite my difficulties though I still quite enjoyed the experience. The Story was well told I tried many new strategies I liked the level layouts they were very well laid out with several routes and opportunities for flanking. The art design was excellent I liked the visual design for the levels and the enemies. I felt the enemies were a little too Bullet spongee which was annoying but they had a certain gravitas to them that I learned to fear and I liked that. The corpser boss fight however was just terrible they really hyped up how scary this creature was going to be and then it just turned into like a little crab that hid in his shell and like trying to poke at you and then wanted to do you to do something stupid to kill it and I was really disappointed by that. All in all a good game that I appreciated the chance to playthrough and I look forward to finishing the trilogy and may be looking forward to the 4th game?

Final Grade: B