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1 day

Last played

January 21, 2022

Platforms Played


Monster Hunter Rise
PC - Steam
Beaten January 21st, 2022

A slow start to YEAR 3 (or 4...?) of the 52 game challenge - I was hoping to make a comeback last year after farting around a bit too much last year but NAY - there's a certain Hamburger on the way who will slow down my progress... MH Rise is the first completed game of the year, and only just. The 'main' story is complete and the credits have rolled but The Hunt has barely begun.. but I'm finished, myself.


The monsters are just awesome. Each has a distinct personality that you become quite familiar with as you play and fight them over and over and over again... You start to hate some and become very fond of others, but even the ones you hate are fun in their own way.
Art style here is off the charts. Rise has a distinct 'ancient Japan' vibe and it shines through in almost every element of the presentation. The graphics may not be as beautiful as World but the team presents a beautiful and colorful world here nonetheless.

As cool as fighting the monsters are, I just kinda get bored having to do it over and over, ya know?
Online fights are a CLUSTERFUCK - its neat to have an easier time with the monsters and to get to party up with others so easily but honestly it is disjointed at best. Maybe higher level play is more constructed?

Visual "noise" online is rough. 4 hunters and 4 pups makes things very messy to try and figure out what is going on, especially against small or medium sized monsters.

As cool as the armors are - can we please get some new ones??? 90% of what I've seen is also in World. I want my Fashion Hunter dammit!
MH Rise is a great game I sadly can't get THAT into, and it's really not the game's fault. Hunting down each monster, a boss fight unto itself, is engaging and the new movie intros for each is a lot of fun. Despite all that after a mere two hunts or so of each I just feel a bit... tired, ya know? Going back to the same maps, hitting the same gathering point, picking on small monsters just triggers something in my brain that makes me repelled. Fighting the monsters for cool gear is great but the layers and layers of ranks, gems, decos, alpha/beta sets, MR monsters - it's just a bunch of shit I don't want to deal with - I just want to fight some cool monsters, man!

Final Grade: A-