Put way too much time into this. It was the first real Kairiosoft game I really committed to putting the time into and it really payed off. The grind of building cars and enhancing your garage was phenomenal. It feels like an idle game mixed with a management sim. Just simple charming fun.

100%'ed the battle-pass. This game really came around to finding it's own identity. Small Map Mosh pit is phenomenal. People don't just want shipment. All this games original small maps are classics on arrival. Game feels really fast and snappy. Don't like rebirth island for Resurgence but I also put 100s of hours in so I can't complain.

I liked this season a good deal. Loved the multi-phase boss fights at the mythological locations. Didn't care for the battlepass so I kind of capped out at 150. Nothing special but this game is so fucking polished and realized that it is still so good.

Incredible season, all the POI's and the addition of weapon modding and the boss fights for the coins really made this season special. Played way too much, shout out Peter Griffin, wheres Stan Smith

I'm pretty sure in my review of the original Retro Bowl I talked about how outside of Madden one of my most formative football game memories was buying Techmo Bowl on virtual console for $5 and playing 100's of hours of it alone. And despite the graphics I would craft these narratives in my head about my team and the players and it made me so creative by letting my imagination run wild. Well this has that same magic. Upon starting my original thought was. Why do I need a college version of this game, I trust the dev's but why this. And I got it. The journey of getting a college team from the slums to D1 champions is exhilarating. I could go on about how when I became coach of Rutgers we had nothing but a solid 3 star WR and using all my scholarship recruitment fund I got a 5 star RB to anchor my team and lead us to an undefeated National Championship and how my team evolved year over year. And once we lost star players how the younger guys stepped up and made plays when they needed to and evolved. How I could HEAR the fans chanting for players meanwhile it was silent. My imagination ran wild just like it did when I was 10 playing Techmo Bowl. Something magical about this game.

So now that I talked my shit, I 100% the blackcell version of the battlepass after swearing off buying this game. I played so much fucking MWII and when I played the beta for this I told myself "WOW this sucks no way I buy it." Until, some friends hopped back on Warzone and I unwillingly joined them and caught the grinding bug and promptly shelled out $100 for the Vault edition of the game so I could get the top battlepass and the XP boosts and all the other usless shit that I can justify as. "Well it saves me time grinding guns for Warzone." Which doens't even make sense in my case because I enjoy the MP so leveling guns isn't a grind I'm just more ashamed that I actually enjoy crafting cool Camo/Sticker/Decal gun combos, ala CS2, except here I'm not dropping $5k to have my dream combo. So yeah my brains broken but this is a way stronger warzone than WZ2. And all of the original maps added to this season are really cool, I love Meat PAUSE and can see it becoming an all time great COD map.

No series in worse purgatory than Call Of Duty. Outside of sports games there is no other series dropping annual games at full price, because the alternative of F2P is too lucrative in drawing in new players and then making all its money from micro-transactions. BUT COD not only gets its yearly $70+ initial purchase but it than has multiple battle passes priced at $15-$30 and also has skins as expensive as $30. I don't know how sustainable this is. Because as good as the sales for this game is, when the stuff you buy doesn't transfer over, as it does in Fortnite or basically all other GAAS. Players will realize it isn't worth it. Doesn't help that this game is the most phoned in lazy entry in the series.

I have a long history with Rock Band and Guitar Hero. 2 of the most important series of my early life. This is just so hollow and lifeless. Makes me so upset seeing what a waste the team that made those great games is making now.

Man this game is not good but I put way more hours into ranked than I should've. Like it's so broken but the sense of speed and perfecting your lap times, there is something there. Hopefully it's not abandoned and they build on it because there is some real potential here.

As a Lego kid growing up I should love this but I fell off for the same reason I fell off all survival games. They just aren't that fun.

I'm gonna make a lot of Fortnite-heads mad with this but this was not good. Here's the thing, people never understand what they have nostalgia for. You don't miss Fortnite in 2017, you miss 2017. You miss playing with your friends and how hot the game was. It was such a global event. The game has evolved so much past that point. And the only thing they captured is how shallow the OG Fortnite BR was. Because it wasn't built for Battle Royale, but the team is so phenomenal that they built THE definitive battle royale. I guess it captured they scale of the phenomenon again because this season brought record player numbers and led into their whole rollout for the Fortnite off shoot games but outside of that, I was so bummed when they said it was coming back after this because I really didn't enjoy playing OG Fortnite.

One of the best seasons. It's as simple as, is the weapon pool and POI interesting and I think all of the Vaults were very fun.

Loved this season. Not perfect but the Japan/cyber-punk theme worked really well.

Maybe the worst season since I came back. The jungle was really boring.

Came back after skipping Season 3 and abandoning season 4. bought the like premium battlepass in order to incentivize me to play this again. Grinded out every gun for about a month. Finished around 50% of the pass and gave up. Really can't make me grind skins for a yearly game. Pointless