It took me 14 years to realize that this game, isn't good.
If this game is supposed to be an example of the golden era of JRPG's I hope that era stays dead. Very rarely do I encounter a game that seems to, on a foundational level, not want me to enjoy it.
The game's basic mechanics are good. Combat, while a little slow and inconsistent is engaging. That's about it. The story is boring and long-winded, the characters are stilted and stiff, the voice acting leaves a lot to be desired, and save points are about 40 minutes away from each other often with level puzzles in between them. The "dreams" are basically light novels that have been injected into the game that flesh out a plot that on it's own, is mostly lethargic.
I really wanted this game to be good. One of the last vestiges of my childhood but after nearly 100 hours of slogging through this, it just isn't.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2022


1 year ago

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