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After LIS2 dropped I had no faith in this series. But true colors came back hard and brought back the core of this series. It may not be as grand as the original LIS or BTS but its a good step in the right direction. I only wish there was a bit more substance to this game as after completing the game you realize Alex didn't go very far and went in circles quite often which I suppose fits some of the themes in this game but in terms of gameplay is a bit underwhelming just like the ending.
I did really enjoy the return of steph from BTS and I also thought her dlc was pretty dope other than being such a massive tease and still not giving us the cameos we've been asking for. Graphically this game is a massive leap from any of the previous title with RTX available for DX12 but it does run fairly hot. Performance wasn't bad at all though solid frame rates and this game probably has the least amount of post processing.
Alex is a pretty cool MC with decent LIS powers but I do feel like out of all the LIS titles this game has the least amount of user input there's much more watching this time around then altering the story with decisions. Was pretty cool to see them attempt a semi open world aspect with the small town of haven during the parts of the game where you "free roam" But they just didnt give us enough of the town.
Grab on a deep sale though even as a LIS fan I cannot recommend this title at FP. Game is too short and story wise while it is not a bad story it just doesnt have the same stakes or proper pacing as the stronger titles its certainly feels like a lite variant compared to bts or og. I'd only get wavelengths as well if your a Steph fan or really care about the story as its not really worth the money and the gameplay is a bit life/work sim but it is a nice setup to TC and if you enjoyed steph you get more of her plus slight references to Rachel Amber and Chloe. And for anyone worried about if this title is "Woke" Its LIS so theres gonna be a little bit in there lol but this game actually is toned down compared to LIS2 (minus the summer content for wavelengths its pretty much thrown in your face).