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Drak0 completed Third Crisis

11 mins ago

Drak0 reviewed Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Honestly game got a lot of unwarranted hate. Gameplay is fun, the characters control different from each other. The story hits and most importantly. This game shits on GK. Thank God it isn't complete trash like that title. I will admit the endgame is a problem but lets talk our way there. So The gameplay loop is satisfying. The combat/killing feels rewarding and I love how different everyone feels. I bounce between all four characters but I main Harley and King Shark the most.

I know a lot of people complain about the UI being all over the place but tbh it doesn't bother me too much considering you can turn most of it off & the gameplay is so crazy and chaotic the UI doesn't really phase me. I'm too busy trying to stay alive and kill everything with the amount of shit happening. As for the performance? I can get 60 fps on native 4k with mostly high settings I do have to turn 1-2 settings to medium. However the thermals are up there. So not a well optimized game but in this day and age unfortunately that's very common and at least I am able to actually hit target frames without the use of DLSS or dynamic resolution.

As a long time arkham fan its crazy for me to admit it but the story is not bad at all. I actually liked the plot a lot with exception to a certain boss fight that should have been handled different even if they did that since the boss in question would body the Suicide squad on a straight up fight. Nonetheless I felt some type of way being forced to put down my beloved heroes one by one because that was the only way to save the day. Bats himself wouldn't have had it any other way. I know people wanted a JL game but we can still get one. They can always do prequels that lead up to this moment and possibly flashpoint it later in order to restore the TL. However that's the end of my praise for this game and its story as the endgame is terrible. It consists of literally grinding the same 5 missions over & over again for better loot (terrible rng btw) and to raise your mastery enough to get better rewards. It seems this repeats with each episode. That alongside forcing live service is the fatal flaw of this game as it did take away from the game significantly, introduced an abysmal grind, ruining endgame and resulted in things like a goddamn battlepass in a SP title.

So excluding the endgame I will recommend this title (on a sale) with the endgame included I would not unless you aren't planning to go too deep into it. As another reviewer once said "This game is kinda like DCUO but as a single player/co op experience instead of a mmo" They really hit the nail on the head and its probably why I do enjoy this game as I am a DCUO fan.

2 days ago

Drak0 reviewed Sex and the Furry Titty 3: Come Inside, Sweety
Holy shit they added an unlimited turns button. This is pretty huge considering a lot of the difficulty from the match-3 puzzles come from having to complete them in a certain amount of turns. Essentially making all puzzles solvable without grind! (There are times you may still need a tool to complete) This is a HUGE step in the right direction and helps reduce grind. They even reduced the difficulty of the puzzles for the most part. While this is all great it still doesn't fix that the puzzles are still mandatory, and can still take a long time to complete. It's a band-aid to the problem. They need to make the story mode available from the get go.

Now lets talk animations. So easily the best animations in the series (at least when you are getting full blown scenes not exactly happy how some final scenes were literally just the characters holding each other) and while they did bring back the multiple scenes per branch from the first game not every branch gets this treatment (heck Stuffing The Box still has one scene per branch.) Switch Off was the only one to really have a decent amount per branch with most of it unfortunately being teasing. And while some did have maybe 2 per path with how long they make these routes honestly it feels too disproportionate. If your going to make the routes longer you should be adding more scenes per branch. The first game did it best especially since the routes were way shorter. They did add a bit more VA work but it is still sparingly voiced.

Story wise there is 5 short stories and tbh they are all pretty good when it comes to how hot the scenes were and the plots were all pretty solid for once. Hopefully there will be more variety with the scenes/kinks in the future. It is also nice to see certain characters return and continue to get short stories like Elliot & Isabella. Overall there is massive improvements compared to the previous titles with certain exceptions. However I still think there's a lot that needs to be done before I could recommend this title. Hopefully the fourth game will get it down.

7 days ago

Drak0 reviewed Sex and the Furry Titty 2: Sins of the City - Love Stories Episodes
Who's ready for yet another Match-3 rant? So if you've read my previous review on the first game pretty much everything still stands but even worse now. They have made the match-3's even more difficult now which is absurd. The first game was already difficult enough especially the bonus sections. Now they made the base game just as hard with these new mechanics that are really just a kick to the nuts considering you are always at the mercy of the RnG. You essentially need the items to complete certain puzzles. its not optional anymore like in the base game of 1. And the puzzle that basically gives you the best money grind is locked nice and deep in Hot Deck. It's like the devs are getting off to the fact that they are wasting your time.

Lets move on to some of the other aspects in the meantime. Basically everything is a downgrade in this game over the first. They really went quantity over quality in this one. While the animations are better drawn and more fluid with a superior artstyle there is now only one major animation/scene per route instead of how in the first game you had them sprinkled throughout a route with different positions before the wrap up. The best scenes & plots lie within Sigma Epsilon Xi - party, Lusty Dragonian Maid, Mixed Martial Arts, & Exceptional Date. The rest is extremely mehh. Now each path now has one count it again just one scene. That's fucking abysmal especially considering they lengthened the routes too so now more puzzles (which are even more difficult) and more branching which gives us less scenes. So basically more work for less payout. That right there is the biggest problem of this game other then yet again locking the content behind match-3s.

So based on achievement unlocks once again we have main 5 short stories with an additional 4 bonus stories with only 50 shades of valentines being worth any effort as the other 3 are once again just artwork unlocks. And once again the bonus stories have an increased difficulty that is just ridiculous especially since the main game has a massive difficulty boost already from the previous game due to the new shitty stipulations implemented. If you thought my warning to avoid the first game was already heavy handed nah this is even more cooked. Seriously screw this game's puzzles and how lazy the devs got on this one. Not worth the trouble considering the plots for the most part suck and the single animation per route is just a slap to the face with the increased difficulty. Can 3 get any worse?

8 days ago

Drak0 reviewed Fetish Locator Week Three
Fetish locator at one point was the king of H games. Then Being A Dik came out of nowhere and bumped it right off the throne. Now even though I still think BAD is the better title week 3 certainly helps close the gap. Its tough to say if week 2 or 3 is better considering they both have really fire H scenes (week 2 also has another fire party and the whole attempt to klap 20.) But week 3 is def still pretty good. In terms of endings ending 6 and ending 10 are peak (at least for the current completed endings). Which brings me to my really only major issue missing endings. Most of the endings need to be finished with half of them being labled as free dlc and others being labeled dlc.
I think thats a little unfair considering the price of the product and length of the game. If the pricing for the paid endings are low and its bundled I won't be too upset but if its cooked im changing this to a negative review idc. Regardless This continues to stay up in the top 5 for H games and honestly Im hyped for not just the rest of the endings but for that new series ViNovella is making and the spin off from one of the endings. And Im sure I don't have to say this but if you have fetishes if it isn super obscure it'll be in this series.

Edit: So the first dlc ending pack wasn't bad. Ending 12, 17 & 4 are the best ones with 14 & 11 being decent & 7 just being completely trash (even for people into that it was kinda cooked.) As of right now we still have quite a few left that need to be finished with the paid dlc they were talking about. Hopefully thats on the way and we get steam cards soon.

10 days ago

10 days ago

Drak0 reviewed Eternum
Honestly in terms of H games this is certainly up there. I wouldn't call it BAD or FL tier and its mainly for two big reasons. One its pretty linear it doesn't branch at all which is not terrible for these types of games but I can't exactly put it above a game like BAD when it does branching so damn well you need like 4-7 optimized runs to experience everything. The other issue is teasing/frequency of scenes. The scenes are very spread apart and a lot of them are mainly teases. However within the last two chapters they have made more explicit scenes that are a lot better from the earlier ones. The game is currently up to v 0.7 and ended on a massive cliffhanger as we wait for 0.8 so maybe wait if thats a deal breaker. The plot is great, the girls are amazing (Nancy, Alex, & Penelope are not only competing for best scenes but also best girl) and the MC is decent. Certainly an interesting plot line despite it taking a lot of inspiration from lots of other popular media and making it its own thing.

10 days ago

Drak0 reviewed Love Stories: Sex and the Furry Titty
Yeah if your going to put in a match 3 into your game would it kill you to not require to grind money for power ups because the stipulations to unlock the next section are ridiculous. "The story mode" you guys add once you complete a section should be the base game if you guys were going to make the puzzles this annoying & tedious due to the dogshit RNG. Blatantly obvious that this was done to pad the length of the game because otherwise this would be 1-2-3 which frankly I would take over getting screwed with the RNG. Makes the match 3 in Being A Dik look like a cakewalk. Lets talk about the actual content now that I'm done with the 3 match grind/difficulty rant.

So the animations are pretty fire despite them being very short (and having to work like crazy for them seriously its bad.) They have sound and light VA work. The only downside is climaxing is not fully animated and is mainly just drawn. Still when it comes to drawn games to even have animations at all is a blessing since most H games that are drawn are still images or do the flip book frame style. So huge thumbs up on that front. When it comes to variety of the scenes its actually pretty solid. They hit most of the standard kinks. Pretty hot scenes for the most part. Some of them were mehh but the ones that stood out in terms of best scenes in the game were easily Boutique Visit & Glory-ous Night.

As for the story the game doesn't have a real narrative its just a bunch of small scenario/short stories that have a small backdrop and lead right into some klap. Just like how they had the best scenes & animations, Boutique Visit & Glory-ous Night also happen to have the best plotlines. Especially since some like Out and About were just all over the place.

In terms of overall content you have the 5 standard short stories which overall were decent I suppose. And then it seems Home Alone, Beach Episode and the Christmas Surprise are considered extra stories or dlc kinda? As you get the achievement for completing all stories after Out and About.

And boy do I have lots of roasting for that content. As if the "base game" wasn't already difficult enough those 3 sections are even more ridiculous with the difficulty. Like you need to rely on all the tools available in order to progress. Which means grind time because those tools aren't cheap and you'll need a lot. Home Alone is the only one worth considering playing in terms of content as you still get some scenes. The other two do not give you animations/scenes. You just get artwork so don't even bother unless you hate yourself enough to go for that platinum.

At the end of it all I would avoid the hell out of this title unless you are a furry (I'm not even one at all I got the series since the animations look well done. Which they are pretty good but are ruined with the gameplay) or really like match 3's because the amount of grinding needed for such a small payout is really just abysmal. Save yourself the trouble and go play BAD, FL or Eternum please.

10 days ago

Drak0 reviewed Gotham Knights
I don't know how this game came to be. These guys made Arkham Origins ffs one of the best super hero games ever. Somehow someway they dropped the ball and they did it hard. I can say nothing positive about this game. From performance, to story, to gameplay its just all shit. Terrible game not even worth 20 dollars. If you buy this game I wouldn't pay more than 5 dollars and even then you will still probably feel ripped off. Even the art direction for most of the drip is ass. But at least Barbara is still hot I guess and we get to see red hood again. I cannot fathom how people rode this game.

11 days ago

Drak0 completed Gotham Knights

11 days ago

Drak0 reviewed Ghostwire: Tokyo
Bland story + Bland repetitive gameplay. The graphics and setting were very nice but not enough to carry.

11 days ago

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