Pretty cool fantasy shooter that's heavy on stage hazards. I like having access to a powerful melee attack but having to weigh the risk of getting in close, since invul between getting hit is all of a split second and the damage piles up quickly. The whole thing is pretty rough around the edges and the bosses are really easy, but the presentation makes up for a lot. Short and sweet. One of the best soundtracks of all time EASY, even if the first stage theme is a Rainbow ripoff. Actually, I think this might make it even better. Is it just me or was one of the bosses Zeorymer, by the way?

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2022


Oh my god.
I never noticed the Zeorymer thing.... I knew of this game long before that series. They had to have done that on purpose! It even puts its fists together for its spread attack!

1 year ago

Yeah the spread attack is what sealed it for me lol