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Was going to type out a big long load of nonsense about how this is aimed way more at people who have boarded the D&D train in the current resurgence than it is anyone who liked Baldur's Gate 1+2, and how springing more from the tabletop material makes the connection between BG3 and the original games feel tenuous at best, and how this makes the inclusion of legacy characters and events feel like cheap window dressing, and how I assume almost if not all of this is the fault of some headass WotC mandate, but would it be worth it? Really?
I dunno man. I don't think this is an entirely bad game, but the companions grate pretty quickly (you wanted 2000 BioWare, you got 2009 BioWare) whilst combat takes for-fuckin-ever, a lot of mechanics stuff in it has been done better in other contemporary RPGs like Pathfinder: WotR and PoE2, and the whole thing feels like it's held together with spit and prayer. I felt like I sequence broke several times just via normal play, and I genuinely don't know if that was down to bugs (of which there are many), or just shoddy design, because this game definitely does go off a cliff in the back half. After seeing the ending I'm fairly certain this was nowhere near finished. Unfortunate stuff. That villain song that comes out of nowhere when you fight Raphael is pretty fun though, isn't it? It's kind of shitty, but in an endearing way. Silver linings!

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2023
