Apart from the protagonist, this game has nothing in common with Little Big Planet: no Create mode for building own levels; no mini-games to play with your friends; no levels where more than 2 players are needed. There are also a dozillion bugs that make the game very frustrating and very few costumes options.
Overall the story is not bad, but it is a game that can easily be skipped, even if you are a fan of LBP.

The puzzles on this game are very nice, well balanced and intriguing.
Many of physical escape rooms I played have puzzles less intruguing that the ones inside this games.

The commands are very sensitive and can require a try or two to exactly pinpoint and press a button or a lever, but the game experience is enjoyable.

I will definitely play the other games of mc2_games.

The format of the visual novel, associated with the Digimon brand, really caught me surprised. The multiples stories, and how your choices affect the gameplay, was delightful.
Also the music sector of this game was amazing.
The gameplay is not difficult at all, for the main story part. The optional bosses are tough and need a good amount of grinding in order to be able to tackle them.

An escape room where the setting varies according to how the story proceeds (and this time we have an "actual" story).
The majority of the quizzes are well made and they will give you the right amount of headscratching required to solve them.
Half a star subtracted because the absence of a "run" button is a malus.
As for now the best escape room made by mc2games.

Played without any big expactations, but it rapidly hook me.
It's a pretty short game, 2h top, but the enygms are really nice made.
It suffer a bit on the technical aspect: the movements are a bit rough, sometimes you have to precisely pinpoint a smaill interactive object, many items have a crazy physics.

TL;DR: a small and fast game that have really nice enygms and can keep you hooked if you overlook some minor technical issues.

A stunning visual novel, with well-written characters and a big numbers of plot twists.
The escape rooms gameplay is well build.
The story is marvelaus and its very catchy.

The main stories are nice and refreshing, easily the best part of this game.
Some of the old mechanics, like to be able to skip move animation, were removed without a real motivation (and easily make the game more frustating).
If you are a shiny hunter, this game is more easy that the previous installation thanks to the sandwhiches bonuses and the fact that you can see the spawn and reset them at will.
The fact that, for farming raids, you pretty much needs to have the Nintendo Online subscription is kind of a bummer for single player.

I hate to give only 2 stars because the length of the game and the level of difficulty of the quizzes is good.
But there is a massive BUT: open up the second hints for any quiz will break your game. It will prompt you to save the data (why?) and you will be stack in the quiz in a sort of third persona view, unable to move. If you load it up the game again, you will start from this stuck position. I had to replay the game three times to be able to complete it.
Also, some open space in the game are very open and your character can't run, it gets pretty boring to move in the same long corridor/room 4-5 times at snail's pace.


Completed on PS4.
Nice for a run if you like visual novel games, but it order to get all the different finales you have to play it 5-6 times and, without any means for skipping or fastforwarding, it can be a pain. Altogether the story is not that great, so it can be tiring.
Choices matters but only for specific parts and, if you are not trying to get all the trophies, most choices don't matter at all.
Also, the controls are very tricky if played on a controller. Since the let you use the controller instead of a tablet, they could give you the possibility to use the sticks and not only the controller pad (which was very annoying to use).

Finished the main story gameplay.
The game and the mechanics is altogether easy, and complete the game without any loss is preatty doable. Need a lot of grinding for materials but you also get ton of experience.
Online game is prerogative, if you want to customize your weapons even further.
The main story is kind of a cliché, it cannot compare to Three Houses, and the main protagonist is bland as possibly be.

This game contains several puzzles, all different from each other and some very difficult.
The game doesn't have a story, as this type of game doesn't need one, but it still has a basic explanation of why you are in the area.
The graphic sector is very standard, various assets are reused, but I don't consider it a malus as it is not the main focus of the game and they still serve their purpose quite well.
There are some bugs (I was able to skip an entire area because the area switch trigger was in front of and not behind the final room door).
Very recommended game if you love the genre and want to challenge your brain.

Another escape room game, this time in a Harry Potter set. The numbers of references to the HP series are massive and they are a nice winks to the fans.
The type of quizzes are various, some are quite challenging while others are artificially difficults. Some hints to solve the quizzes are straight-forward, and others are straight-forward useless (or worse, confusing).
The story is more sophisticated then the ones from previous game, but it just there to justify some quizzes.
Overall a nice game, it kept me busy for a nice 5 hours.