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Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is a remastered collection of the first three games in the Uncharted series, originally released on the PlayStation 3. The collection includes Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, and was released on PlayStation 4 in 2015. The collection offers an excellent opportunity for players who missed the original games to experience the series, and for returning fans to relive the adventures of Nathan Drake in stunning high definition.

The Uncharted series is known for its blend of third-person shooting, platforming, and puzzle-solving gameplay, and the Nathan Drake Collection is no exception. The gameplay in each game has been slightly tweaked to improve the overall experience, with more responsive controls and smoother animations. The combat in the first game, Drake's Fortune, can feel a bit clunky compared to the sequels, but it's still a lot of fun, and the improvements in the later games are noticeable. The platforming segments are well-designed, and the puzzles are challenging but never frustrating. The pacing of the gameplay is excellent, with each game offering a good mix of action, exploration, and puzzle-solving.

The Uncharted series is often praised for its cinematic storytelling, and the Nathan Drake Collection is no exception. Each game tells a self-contained story that takes Nathan Drake on a globe-trotting adventure, filled with danger, mystery, and intrigue. The characters are well-written and likable, with plenty of humor and banter between them. The voice acting is top-notch, with Nolan North delivering a fantastic performance as Nathan Drake. The stories are engaging and immersive, with each game offering a different tone and setting. Drake's Fortune is a more straightforward treasure-hunting adventure, while Among Thieves is a globe-trotting adventure that takes Drake from the jungles of Borneo to the snowy mountains of Tibet. Drake's Deception is a bit more personal, delving into Nathan's backstory and exploring his relationship with his mentor, Victor Sullivan. Overall, the storytelling in the Nathan Drake Collection is some of the best in gaming, and is a major reason why the series has such a dedicated fan base.

Technical Performance:
The Nathan Drake Collection is a remastered collection, and the improvements in visual fidelity are immediately apparent. The games look stunning on PlayStation 4, with improved lighting, textures, and character models. The frame rate is smooth, and the games run at 1080p resolution. The loading times have also been significantly reduced, making the overall experience much smoother. The sound design is excellent, with a great score and immersive sound effects. The only downside to the technical performance is that some of the gameplay mechanics from the earlier games feel a bit dated compared to modern games. For example, the shooting mechanics in Drake's Fortune can feel a bit clunky compared to more recent third-person shooters. However, this is a minor issue, and the overall technical performance of the Nathan Drake Collection is impressive.

The Uncharted series is one of the most beloved franchises in gaming, and the Nathan Drake Collection is an excellent way to experience the series for the first time or relive the adventures of Nathan Drake. The gameplay is engaging and fun, the storytelling is top-notch, and the technical performance is impressive. The collection offers great value for money, with three full-length games and all of the DLC included. If you're a fan of action-adventure games, or just looking for an engaging and immersive gaming experience, the Nathan Drake Collection is highly recommended.