While I question why these missions weren't just put in the main game, I'm also now upset at how none of the future map packs had new campaign levels

If you could sprint in this, and you got rid of the fucking health pack system, it would literally still hold up to modern CODs

It's like they took all the things that made the original Call of Duty hold up, threw them out, and replaced them with worse things, without fixing any of the issues that the original had. Basically the absolute worst way to port a game.

I mean it delivers what it promises, they basically just took the original COD, upgraded the graphics and added an African campaign (not a dig I wish more of them explored this)

Kinda feels like it should have almost been called 'Call of Duty 2.0', idek if that's a pro or a con take it as you will

A definite improvement over Finest Hour, arguably the first truly story focused COD, one of the only ones to truly explore the french african/italian campaigns still to this day, making for a rather enjoyable playing experience.

Yet they still keep the ass-backwards control scheme and health system from finest hour. Also the graphics are almost worse than original COD on PC, though I'll excuse the limitations of the Xbox hardware

While the game definitely continues BR1's idea of investing in characters and overarching storylines, that's unfortunately all it took from it.

Buggy AI, graphics that honestly look like a downgrade from COD2, and honestly I think I liked the squad from BR1 more than these guys. Also you STILL CAN'T SPRINT.

Still though, beyond these issues, like any other COD game it is a fun romp through the WWII theater

Here's a question no one wanted to know the answer to: what if we made a COD game with TANK CONTROLS.

Seriously though, have to say I'm kind of impressed at the quality of the PSP output. For a handheld console the graphics are actually somewhat competent for the time. Weird complaint but, the game needs more weapon drops. Too many times I'd run out of ammo and have to simply melee everyone until an enemy would drop an MP-40. All in all, there's actually potential for a good game under here, it's simply limited by the hardware they had to work with.

But seriously who the fuck thought TANK CONTROLS

Honestly there is a bigger jump from COD3 to this game than there is from this game to MW2020. While it may not exactly "hold up" visually, you can not understate the enormous and important effect this game had on the industry at the time. Seriously, this game practically CHANGED the entire landscape of gaming altogether.

Unfortunately, MW2 and some select flaws keep it from a full 5 stars, but I have to say that this game will emerge as one the early modern classics.

I have to say while this edges out Roads To Victory in terms of storyline/graphics, in terms of functionality and game mechanics this port can fall short.

In all seriousness though, I had fun with this, although some of the missions could have been shorter, and the guns you're given versus the enemies you have to fight definitely needs to be more balanced as well.

Also I have to just comment how trippy it is the first time you see a Nintendo DS game load up on your PC screen. Honestly I felt like the game fared better emulated to the PC versus playing the actual DS copy I have stowed away somewhere.

I have to say that when this game came out, coming off the heels of COD4 I personally thought this was a slight step backwards. Looking back at it now however, I have to say that rather a step backwards, this seemed more like the series first experience with complacency. Other than Nazi Zombies this game didn't really introduce any new mechanics, and the storyline isn't much better than MW's. To conclude, this game isn't bad, it's honestly quite good, there's just not really anything to distinguish it from the others in the series, it just kinda....exists.

However, I will say one difference is that the grenade system in this one is still just as fucked as I remember. Literally at least 99% of the deaths sustained during my time playing this one were due to 10 grenades all being immediately cooked in my direction. The last staircase of the Reichstag in the second to last mission comes to mind.

Also I mentioned this earlier but I really feel like I need to highlight that this game does get points for introducing the Nazi Zombies game mode, while I personally feel that BO was the game that took Zombies to the "next level", you have to marvel at this little game, turning essentially an easter egg game mode after the main credits into a franchise almost as big as the main COD games themselves. While WaW may not have been as explosively game changing as MW before it was, Zombies will definitely stand as the lasting testament to the game.

This game suffers largely from the fatal flaw Roads To Victory suffered from, in that there is a good game deep inside here, it's simply pushed aside from all the shortcomings the Nintendo DS provided. However, they were able to better circumvent these issues with the COD4 port, so I'm not entirely sure what N-Gage's excuse is here.

A few choice control schemes and the almost-downgrade of graphics from the COD4 port unfortunately just make this entry lack in comparison. Also not to mention, this game is just too damn long. While I enjoyed the inclusion of a British Campaign, the entire story goes to almost 30 missions, not including the 30 other "challenges" which are really just campaign missions with requirements. All in all, not the worst game I've played but definitely in the lower tier of COD entries.

I really don't have much to say about this game, I'm mainly just baffled that it exists. Why port a whole new COD game rather than just putting regular WaW on the PS2? Why make a game with ONLY single player campaign, absolutely no multiplayer capabilities at all, and cut it at 13 missions? Why the addition of a British Campaign (as well as an American European Campaign) yet the complete exclusion of a Russian Campaign? Just so many questions. This game is like late 2000s mobile games, there's nothing explicitly wrong with it, there's just no reason for it to exist.

In terms of quality though, I'd have to say this game is pretty much exactly the same as Big Red One, fun little harmless romp.

I genuinely do not know what I can say about this game that a million other people haven't already said much more eloquently than I ever could.

So, my only complaint with this game is that after 11 years, I am still not good enough to unlock the 'Echo' tier of Spec Ops levels.

This game oddly feels more like a port of COD4 rather than MW2.

I like how N-Space keeps finding new ways to incorporate the DS with each installment, that is neat. However, there were 2 or 3 parts in this game that are ridiculously more difficult than the rest. Especially in the last mission, I found myself basically just throwing bodies to the grinder just to get another checkpoint. I guess you could say that's the most accurate part about this game to real warfare.

I actually played this one years ago, back when I still had a Wii. Obviously without playing through it again it's all rose-tinted glasses, but I still have to say that this was a solid port of COD4, especially compared to the previous entries for the console.

I mean sure, the graphics look absolutely atrocious. But I mean, Paintball Mode, the addition of the co-op campaign plus being (I'm pretty sure) the first entry for the Wii to have online multiplayer, and a rather balanced and well designed one at that. It's not perfect, but you have to admit IW really worked with the limitations of the Wii rather than against them.