Bought it as a joke to voice-over with a friend and had a STUPID amount of fun with it, still intend to finish this one one day.

The best Elder Scrolls experience I've had so far, but also where I stopped... for no real reason really?

Played it for quite a while, but I've dropped it for now. I'd love to come back to it when more content is released.
I just really, really wish it wasn't a Gatcha. Like, I'd pay full price of a game to play it, no problem. I like the story, the visuals, the characters, but WHY did it have to be a Gatcha? Events with limited items and story events I can never see for myself are really frustrating, too.

Would play this again instantly if new content comes out.

I see the potential, I UNDERSTAND why people would love it, but I just couldn't ever fully get into it. Still open to try it again.

First Elder scrolls game and therefore, it remains a favourite. It's mostly nostalgia though, I think.

This was fun for a bit, but I was clearly not the target audience anymore even back in the day. Then I discovered its other purpose... hehe.

Honestly, liked it a lot for what it was.

I don't know what it is with this game. While I dislike some choices made with this remake (e.g. mechanics wise, I don't like how they changed items/weapons inventory), it just really stuck with me and made me very invested in my characters. The most fun I've had with a Fire Emblem game since Awakening as a teen. Bonus: particularly amazing soundtrack.

Weirdly addicting little game I get a little too obsessed over every once in a while.

Ah, Fates. I was obsessed with it at a time, but the games (especially Birthright) have some clear flaws looking back. Theme song is still iconic to me.

Little bit embarrassed about this one. But uhm... no, idle games are not for me. Not because I don't like them, because they're stupidly addicting for the wrong reasons. Numbers go brr and all, but it's all I can ever think about and NO I REFUSE, NO MORE

Very little to it but fun to play together

Didn't really know anything about this franchise when I played this one but had an absolute blast