Playing this was like... The most fun I've ever had in a video game, running around with a shotgun blasting enemies that frightened me at the start only to turn into people I would debate if they were even worth killing with a gun because i had evolved so much with using the knife and kicks to get around enemies and save ammunition.

Incredible game, The only "Downside" is if you really wanted to you could cheese the game buy only buying RPGs and 1 shotting every boss in the game, which is player choice so its more your own actions deciding the outcome of your enjoyment in that aspect.

This is the best souls game ever released, I've beaten it thrice and just want to go back for more, Can't be disappointed with the wait anymore. It was all worth it.

Punching cats in the face in videos games is almost as satisfying as uhhhhhhh not breaking the tos of the website so i can keep my account.

This game's Music was composed by the Master of Funky Fresh Beats.

Explore a world where every player is an asshole and stealing hardwork is more rewarding than actually working, which is what you expect from a pirate game but the menu still spams you with quests to do and shit to work on until you complete it meaning the optimal way to play the game spams you with things telling you this isn't what you're meant to do.

This game was the shit for kids, diving off the fucking helicarrier as your own custom created Hulk monster was fucking badass, the sequel kinda sucked tho.

Really hard and really fun but god do i hate having to kill my characters for no reason at the final boss.

DOOM 1 but better, this game is fuckin ballin and a modern remake isn't needed because its still fucking fun and holds up.

This game reminds me of my college years.

This game was okay, but kinda weak compared to the old titles? Honestly the newer games are direct upgrades to this so there's no reason to EVER play this one anymore.

This is the game that got little timmy in trouble for playing violent video games on the family laptop, and its still the most fun flash game ever made.

Its not a bad game by any means but its not the best either, half the fun of this game comes from the bugs you see or someone doing something ridiculous like running along the top of the giant Zepplins, also the weapons can be bought instead of earned so pay to win kinda appeared here

This is the best 3D Sonic game since Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic fans hate it because it isn't complete garbage and they're not used to seeing a good game.