Amazing game if you see this game buy it 100% worth price holy fuck


super solid game very fun

amazing rougelike makes you fully immersed in a boomer shooter environment

for a free game its pretty good but its not that great in general

fun parkour game decent challenge

super fun played a ton of it on 360 still holds up pretty well current day

surprisingly fun but servers are dead latency sucks and most menus dont work also seems to be p2w

stopped playing after season zero tried coming back never once enjoyed it

fun game great art style very fun

I have 40 hours in this game and I still see things never seen before

fun zombie game lot zombie yes ahhhhh

really fun fps rougelike and made even better with multiplayer once you get to higher difficulty it falls off but overall really fun game

pretty fun if you want more content with similar game play play vampire survivors

pretty fun if you want more content with similar game play play vampire survivors