Another banger from Tango Gameworks. Gameplay isn't super special, as it boils down to an FPS, but the world, story and characters are tightly written. Akito and KK make a great team. Side quests ranged from repetitive to feeling like main content, and all the set pieces are beautiful. The enemy designs were horrifying, but didn't really have the difficulty I expected, I guess I should have played on Hard.

Reviewed on May 26, 2022


1 year ago

im sorry i asked you what food you ate, it was overly rude of me to do so

1 year ago

@Snigglegros It's okay bro I forgive you. I don't remember what I had for dinner that specific day but tonight I had leftover spaghetti because I made too much yesterday

1 year ago

I like spaghetti but I cant ever bring myself to eat leftovers of it, kind of makes me feel weird. Thank you.