The game itself was pretty fun. The gun action was incredible but the story here is confusing and lacking, not only this but I completed several missions but the next time I logged on, it set me back a few. So really, I just cba to do them again.

4.25 / 5.
Endless amounts of fun and always a challenge with lots of replay ability.
An absolute classic.

Replay ⏪
4 / 5.
Fun game. Certainly not perfect and despite playing on hard mode, this was very easy. Though I do intend to play crushing sometime soon.
The weapon variety in this game is incredible, switching between weapon and weapon is unbelievably fun. The characters of Ratchet and Clank are cool and it's nice spending time with them and learning how they grew to be rangers.
Overall, very fun, but a little short and not as good as Rift Apart from what I remember.

I've played this a few times now with a few friends and this really isn't it. Just basic and generic as all hell. That on top of being boring. If I was playing by myself it'd probably be a lower score but is what it is.

Not gonna rate this because I don't feel a game like this really warrants one but i'll mark it as played nonetheless.
Same game as previous years really, but still heaps of fun.

3.25 / 5.
A pretty decent game that was much better then I expected it to be.
This game is very visually appealing, I could play this just looking around at the maps for hours and not get tired of it. Some levels are also really fun, whilst challenging, I think this game manages to strike a great balance between the two and much like Crash Bandicoot, can really annoy you at times, in some instances this may be good, in others, maybe not.
The thing that annoys me the most is how long the loading screens take. That along with how annoying / complicated some jumps or dashes are.

The game's fine, serviceable at least. Fun when the internet goes down but not one to play outside of that.

4.25 / 5.
Really fun yet incredibly challenging. I highly doubt i'm going to 100% complete this, ever, but i'll try my best.

4.25 / 5.
Really solid game with a cool story and interesting characters. Sometimes a bit cheesy, and the game is really short and could've done with a bit more gameplay, but at least it makes it easily replayable.
Edit: 100% completed this and some of the collectible's you find around the island really help to expand the lore of the game which is quite interesting. Definitely worth checking out.

5 / 5.
As someone who has never once played the original I can safely say this is one of the most best and most immersive games i've ever played.
The gore and creature designs in this are incredible, 10/10.
Isaac Clarke makes for a great protagonist.
Along with some great twists, this game was outstanding, worth every penny,