Overall: 4 / 5.
Story: 4.00
Gameplay: 4.00

4.25 / 5.
Story: 4.25
Gameplay: 4.00

A slight improvement over MKX for me, as the story was little bit better, as well as the gameplay, however it does lose marks for the ridiculously stupid boss fight which I never hope to do again.
Will play Aftermath soon.

5 / 5.
Takes everything that was good about the first one and improves upon it in everyway possible. One of my favorite games of all time.

4 / 5.
Story: 4.25
Gameplay: 4.00

Some great new characters in this one, alongside a great and compelling story. Can't wait to play 11 again.

4.5 / 5.
Just a really fun and challenging game, will definitely play the sequel soon.

4 / 5.
This game was much better than I'd expected and at the same time, manages to serve as a great prequel to Arkham Asylum. The boss fights in here were simply amazing, wherein the other three games they lack a little. The final boss 'fight' however causes this to lose a few marks as it was a little underwhelming, but I still really enjoyed the game and will certainly replay it sometime soon.

4.25 / 5.
I definitely didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I thought I would, but this was great.
I'm a big fan of the original Robocop movie, the others not so much, so in terms of Robocop media, I can safely place this at number 2 for the time being, even if I get some enjoyment out of Robocop 2. The gameplay in this is extremely satisfying as you just go through rooms shooting people in gory ways, and the biggest surprise of mine is that the storyline is really decent.
There are some issues with the game, such as the animations and some voice-work, but I can forgive those for how much I enjoy the rest of the game.

4.5 / 5.
This game was unreal, the combat is as smooth as ever, the story is compelling once again, and the two villains in this game were unreal. The reveal of Venom was hype asf and playing as him taking out all the security guards was so much fun, whereas Kraven was just an absolute badass throughout the entire game.
Edit: 100% and many of the side missions were quite boring so it loses a few marks for that.

What starts off as a really intriguing and interesting idea for a game quickly becomes a long and obnoxious one. I was invested for a good few hours, but there's way too much going on in this game that it's hard to keep up with. The combat sucks, there's a lack of ammo no matter where you are, and the characters are amongst the blandest ever I've ever witnessed.

3.75 / 5.
Good game, some parts of the story confused me a little but overall I really enjoyed this. The gameplay is good albeit a little repetitive, but either way I'm excited to play the sequel.

4.25 / 5.
I'm not a huge fan of the movies, but I really enjoyed this game.
The gameplay in this is amazing and very reminiscent to the Arkham games, which I absolutely love. The story is pretty intriguing too, although I have to admit the boss battle was a little disappointing, not bad, just disappointing.
The side quests are fun and keep me entertained, and I will definitely be 100% completing this.

2 / 5.
Not my type of game unfortunately.
I played this as I thought the second game looked really good, but this was not good at all.
The game is not at all scary, the plot twist is extremely obvious, whilst the gameplay is repetitive and one-dimensional. I might play the second one eventually, but this definitely put me off for a while.

2.75 / 5.
Not the worst game in the world, and truthfully, I thought I'd despise this game so there's that.
The story in here is pretty bland, as well as the dialogue, web swinging and pretty much everything bar the combat, which is actually incredible and supremely fun.
Will I ever replay it? No. But did I have a decent enough time playing it? Absolutely.

3.5 / 5.
Overhated tbh. Sure this game doesn't hold a candle to the original trilogy but as it's own seperate thing, it's fun. It's got a nice set of characters, good world design, and a decent story.
Yes it has tons of problems, but I can overlook those as I had a good time playing it.
Next time I revisit it i'll 100% complete it.

3.5 / 5.
Man what a mixed experience, this game had so much going for it, yet, so much going against it.
First off, this game looks stunning. The gore design is incredible and some of the death scenes are horrible to watch in the best way possible. The atmosphere here is also great, although i'm not sure they make the most of it. I quite like the combat system too, the way you can dodge enemy attacks and beat them up is really cool to me. The actors also do a great job here, and the game has a nice, fast pace to it.
But yeah this game is almost a carbon copy of Dead Space, i'm aware a lot of people who worked on Dead Space worked on this, but they sure didn't do anything to differentiate this. The story also lacks a lot, it feels like you're wandering around for too much of this game while the story doesn't progress, at least until the final few chapters.
And although I praised the atmosphere, this game is not nearly as scary as Dead Space, and some of the level design in here is at times, stupid.