It's mario party, a great game to play with friends. I will say the lack of boards makes the game very unrepeatable but the mini game selection is decent. I've yet to play mario party superstars so who knows how it compares to that

New horizons was my first animal crossing game and it was a great one at that. During the lockdown this game kept me occupied and gave me something to do everyday. It also helped that the game received substantial content updates throughout 2020 which added more stuff to do

Episode Shadow is crazy short. I finished this in 20 minutes and when I finished the third level I was shocked that's all there was. Other than its short runtime I think this dlc is pretty decent, but I may be a little biased because shadow is my favourite sonic character. The story in this ties in fine enough to the main game and my biggest issue with it is probably infinites backstory. Shadow literally insulted him ONCE which made him become an evil supervillian who wants to destroy the world. I definitely think they could have made up a better origin story but other than that I would say this dlc is worth your time.

Sonic forces is the most bland and boring sonic game ever. The level design consists of holding down the boost button and running in a straight line for 3 minutes.

The story while good in concept is executed very poorly. The game is very inconsistent as well, they say sonic was tortured for months but when we see him next he's still joking around.

On top of this in the main game Infinite is heavily implied to be a robot, but in the shadow dlc we find out he was a normal dude who turned evil after shadow insulted him. Speaking of infinite, he has one of the coolest designs out of all the sonic villians in my opinion, which sucks because he is so bland otherwise.

Another thing that's bland in this game is the writing, it is soooooo bad. I cringed at multiple points and overall it just left a bad taste in my mouth. The same can be said for classic sonic, the only reason he is in the game is for the filler levels and overall he just ruins the prestine nature of him in generations a little bit for me.

Also there is another continuity error with classic sonic, in this game he is referred to by tails as 'the sonic from another dimension' when this simply isn't true because it is made very clear that in generations he is simply a version of sonic from the past.

In conclusion, sonic forces is a bland boring mess of a game which makes me wish I could have the last 4 hours of my life back.

Sonic generations was a big part of my childhood which is great because I finally finished it! This game is amazing, the music, level design, and all the other extra goodies make this pure fan service.

Every level was great and felt different enough between the two sonics to make it feel warranted to play them twice. One level I didn't like however was the sonic 06 one (shocking I know), I will say it was funny seeing classic sonic in a dark and gritty world though.

The last boss in my opinion was a tad lazy but it's not the biggest issue. In my opinion, the biggest issue with generations are the challenge levels you have to complete to get the boss keys. They are just sooooo boring, its like right after you play a level twice you then have to play it again with an annoying gimmick a third time to progress the story. Whilst this isnt game ruining by any means, its just annoying as it takes away from the great by adding tedious tasks to do.

In conclusion, Sonic generations is a great game and it's great to have finally revised this gem from my childhood.

Monopoly Go is an incredibly good mobile game, it's engaging, fun, and easy to play. I've played this game a lot, to the point were I'm on the 45th world. It's gameplay is addictive and mixed with the wait times for your dice to refill it makes for a good game to check in on every couple of hours.

Arrangement might just be my favourite pacman game. It has fun gameplay, a super cute and fun artstyle, and it's pretty challenging.

Ok now this one is if pac and pal was good. The game just feels amazing and has fun gameplay for a pacman game.

It's just pac-man but shit, I can't tell what I'm doing half the time and the game is just janky as hell

Eh, i think that is the best way to describe this game. The controls are very janky, the level design while not bad is certainly far from great, and just ends up being a generic platformer. You can maybe find some fun in this but I wouldn't recommend trying

Honestly this is one of the most interesting ideas for a pac-man game. I feel like the battle royale style of game works really well with pac-man. I will say though this game does get weighed down by the singleplayer. The ai is super bland and easy to beat, but with friends it makes for a fun enough experience.

Pac-Mania is... kind of good? I mean it's no skyrim but for pac-man i like it. I'm not sure how popular of an opinion this is but i really like the art style of this game. Also the 3d stage design just makes the game feel more fun to play

The first pac-man game is super iconic and one of the most revolutionary games ever, but nowadays it's just pac-man. With so many other better games to play Pac-Man is not going to be something you sink 100s of hours into.

Sea of thieves is the greatest pirate game of all time, and it's great to see it succeed were so many other live service games have failed. A great example is the late game content which is in the form of pirate legend, it takes many 10s of hours to become a pirate legend and once you become one you are given a wide variety of new quests to do, items to buy, and adventures to be had. One thing that may be a turn off for some people are battle passes and seasons in full priced games, and I'm no exception, except in the case of sea of theives. Each plunder pass is full of well designed cosmetics as well as enough ancient coins to buy the next plunder pass, and on top of that each season they introduce TONS of new content that will keep you busy for hours upon hours. Overall I'm very glad that I went back to play this game before the PS5 launch. I'm looking forward to playing it again on my ps5 next month.

The first thing I got made to do when I logged in was open a loot box, so not a good start. After that though I beat the earth stage and I enjoyed it for a doom mobile game. I still don't know why Bethesda insists on making these mobile games for each of their big franchises. Overall I liked it for what it is, a medicore mobile interpretation of doom