4 reviews liked by ESCapist

This game has one of the most stellar stories you'll find in gaming, with great character-based storytelling and chemistry between the two main characters. The gameplay leaves something to be desired, there's times where it gets a little slow paced and even the most suspenseful of moments struggle with awkward gameplay mechanics. The story ultimately overshadows it, though, and this is worth playing just for how engaged you'll be with the characters alone.

One of the greats from the PS3 and onwards. A must play.

Yeah. It’s good. What can I say about The Last of Us that has not already been mentioned? There’s nothing to bring to the table except another 5 stars. But, I will say that I love this game because it can touch you in the heart. It has so much emotion put into it that the game part takes a backseat to the story. But the gameplay is still incredibly satisfying!! The game is just amazing. What else can I say?

this is one of the greatest stories ever told in any media ever, a timeless classic