Thief: The Dark Project is probably the best example I've seen of storytelling in any video game, and it's certainly a unique experience with just how it achieves that. The gameplay itself is incredibly solid, but moreover that in conjunction with the level design - it creates this really claustrophobic and often creepy atmosphere of lurching through hallways, and deftly avoiding guards - either where it feels hilarious or just downright terrifying and unnerving.

It's one of those games that really nailed down interactivity rather well, and just how this game allows you to do so much in the levels - which in of themselves are sprawling non-linear little masterpieces in of themselves, and just how much of the story is told through the environment - which in of itself is incredibly intriguing, also delivered heavily through these strange cutscenes which feel like an animated oil painting of sorts.

Although the plot itself, along with the voice acting, is incredibly solid - revolving around Garrett's trials as a budding member of a secret organisation known as The Keepers, only that he turns against them and becomes a thief instead. A lot of this game invokes a very lived in quality, before it delves right into the supernatural which kicks off after Garrett robs the house of a creepy old religious cult leader named Constantine - which winds up roping him into so much and often delving right into supernatural terror (and I think I've said too much here.)

Everything about this game, maybe with the exception of all the action-oriented levels (which I still liked), is pretty much about as perfect as I'd want and it's definitely one of my favourite games ever. Really, it's just a remarkable game all around. Highly recommended.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2021
