Bitchin' platformer with bangin' music, fun designs, and a gorgeous art style that all come together to make a really, really good game with a fun gimmick.
Also I'm a pervert so it hits literally every mark for me.

Splatoon 2 is fine. It's a fun game. Running, gunning, inking, Salmon Run, it's all very fun. The main campaign for Splatoon 2 was... mediocre and short.
Octo Expansion, however, blew my brain out of the back of my skull. It is packed with absolute JAMS, it's fun, it's got an amazing sense of progression, a terrific upgrade system, amazing characters, MORE JAMS, and a truly fucking MAGNIFICENT final scene that had me crying. I didn't play until after Splat 2 had nearly shut down (in preparation for Splatoon 3) so I never got to know Marina and Pearl through their Splatfests and understand how deeply connected they were. Octo Expansion still made me sob. Fucking incredible. Play it whether you like Splatoon 2 or not. Play it after Splatoon 2 goes offline. Play it until the sun burns out. It really is that good.

I like visual novels and I LOVE picross, so this game hits both of those marks. It's a very fun game with a lot of character, and I love both a strong woman AND a robot. Never ended up finishing it... maybe I'll pick it back up again soon.
This game is what Phoenix Wright characters play instead of normal Picross.

Very fun game with lots of puzzles, haven't played it in a while though and I'm worried my friends are too stupid to help me solve it and I'll explode.

I mostly played this game for the mods, and it was very fun. I love a good 4X game. The scope of entire planets neat to see and gave it a lot more depth, and the combat was good. Overall pretty solid.

Now THIS roguelike is where it's at. More of the anti-capitalist, down-with-tech-startups sentiment that we need in the world. It feels nihilistic while still feeling very real, encouraging stealing in the workplace and the such, while retaining a cool, fun, roguelike beat-em-up style.

Who is in control when we play a video game? Do you think it's you, the player? "I don't have to do anything I don't want", you say. "I can stand still forever. Of course I have control. Of course free will and agency are mine." A logical course of action.
But if you don't move, you don't get more video game. You're staring at a screen. It's all pixels for the game, it doesn't care if you play or not. It's not offended, it doesn't LOSE anything. But you lose time. You lose happiness.
You are rewarded for moving forward.
You, the player, are rewarded for playing the game, with new things to do, more to see, more to hear. You want more. You NEED more.
That's why you keep playing.
And do you really think that means you're in control? Desperately flicking joysticks, hoping to god that a game divvies out the kind of reward you want?
You're desperate for it. You want more.
You want to be SUPER.
You want to be HOT.

Fine automation game. Good automation mechanics and a fun environment to explore. Otherwise nothing majorly interesting.


Palia was said to be "3D Stardew Valley" and I suppose it delivers that. In a world where there's a TON of farm games coming up every day, where "cozy games" are so popular they have their own game showcases, I feel Palia stands out among the others.
It's got fun characters to talk to, and LOVELY ways to waste your time like fishing, mining, farming, and so on. It's endlessly charming, and best of all: it's free.

This was the second game to ever make me openly weep (the first was Kingdom Hearts, of course).
Amazing game, the Mystery Dungeon series fucks severely, as always, and the story is one of the best isekais I've ever read.

It's fine. Better than people gave it credit for, that's for sure. The story is actually one of the best in the series but people shit on it for the card system, which is... I dunno, like half-understandable. It's fine.

Fun shit if you like idle games. It's Runescape but you don't have to sink any actual effort into it. Nice to keep up on the side, for sure.

One of my current favorite city builder games. I adore city builders and while I've never played the SteamWorld series, this was a nice introduction, I think.
Getting all of the buildings to work together, synergizing relevant buildings, and minimizing as much space as I can was already quite fun, and then I got into the CAVERNS, which opened up a whole new game. Altogether very engrossing.

God I love you Dwarf Fortress. Fantastic game, I need to pick it back up again. One of, if not THE grittiest, most detailed simulation game.

A fun shooter with a classic vibe, answering the age old question: "what if you shot a gun through a portal from the game Portal?". The answer: kills people, if you're a good shot.