You flip houses. It's pretty fun. Very expansive.

While Dwarf Fortress is far more engaged and detailed, Rimworld remains my simulation game of choice. The sci-fi setting, the DLCs, and the amount of detail are just... fantastic. I love you Rimworld.

I personally like Starbound a lot more than other games like Terraria. The ability to jump to near infinite planets makes the finite resources a thing of the past, and also the Glitch, Florans, and Novakids are some of my favorite science fiction races of all time.

Incredibly sad that this game died down so quickly after launch but damn was it fun while it lasted. Mowing down sheets of dinosaurs while playing a funny cute robot girl on rollerskates was a blast.
We still have "summoning raptors" as a sound on our soundboard. At the very least, you left a mark on my heart, Exoprimal.

Birth by Sleep was OVERRATED imo. Chain of Memories is underrated and this game was just... eh. Like, I love the Wayfinder trio but in terms of the game itself it was just solidly Okay. The worlds were fine, the gameplay was okay, and the story was... eh.

It's fine. Pretty fun, automation was cool, liked the art style.

Very fun survival game, and I enjoy the art style a hell of a lot. The media surrounding it has also been very fun, and I love Webber, my we/ours baby ::::)

INCREDIBLY fun roguelike with mechanics similar to Cult of the Lamb, but with selling! I've always loved games where you run a little shop and Moonlighter is up there as one of my absolute favorites.
Art style is delightful and the game is a bit shallow in terms of story but it makes up for it in charm, music, and a VERY very fun gameplay loop.

I do not like horror movies. One could say I HATE them, especially ones with cheap jumpscares. The tragedy, then, is that I ADORE a good horror story. Horror games blend some of the best stories I've ever read with some of the shittiest jumpscares you've ever seen, and it takes a masterpiece for me to overcome that fear.
This is that masterpiece.
From toying with video game expectations, and especially visual novel conventions, to the FANTASTIC character writing, DDLC is truly one of those games that even if you hate jumpscares and horror, you really should play. It's really, really worth it.

Did you like Left 4 Dead? Do you like games that feature a lot of weapon modifications? Then you will like Back for Blood. It really is that simple.
There's some cool stuff in there, but for the most part, it is just a more recent Left 4 Dead. Better? Ehhh, debatable. But at least there's more to do, and you haven't played this one to death yet.

Fun! With TERRIFYING implications about Aperture Science at large and the future of the Half Life universe. Truth be told it's mostly a tech demo for the Steam Deck but at least it's a fun tech demo.
Insane that we got this before Half Life 3, though.

I did marching band in high school, so one would not be remiss to assume I can carry a tune.
I cannot.
Rhythm games are my kryptonite, unfortunately, but Crypt of the Necromancer literally goes so fucking hard that it's worth it regardless. Its soundtrack is fucking FANTASTIC, which, you know, rhythm game.

Mid, but we got Captain Lazerhawk out of it and that was one of the coolest fucking shows I'd ever seen, so like. I dunno.
It's fine?
It has a very clear and defined identity that isn't at all like Far Cry 3, with some really cool stuff and fun riffs on the media of the 80s, so like, I gotta give it some credit.