This game really was a wild fucking ride. You've got a lesbian Australian biologist who get isekai'd to a world full of dinosaurs and she has to fight David Tennant with the help of Vin Diesel. Also the real life Vin Diesel is now a brand... sponsor?? Or something? For the game because he loves it so much.
Also the game wasn't finished when they launched the remaster that costs as much money as the original.
Insane behavior.

My first Risk of Rain game! I liked it. The loop was fun and we were able to get to the final boss after a few runs. I was always the last one alive so I felt good about it.

Same as Don't Starve, but now I can play with my friends :)

Hoo boy, uhhh. How the hell do I comment on this one.
I think the game was very interesting. The puzzles were neat, the implications were frightening, and the setting was large and fleshed out, even without focusing on the richly written main characters.
There is... some content in here that may be offensive to some. Some people are shockingly less offended by some of the subjects than others. But it definitely strays into the... less savory side of things.
Play at your own risk. But I think it's a neat game.

Very fun pirate simulation. Enjoyed cruising around with my friends and wreaking havoc and uncovering buried treasure. Really exactly what it says on the tin, and I wish I could spend more time in it, but it's not high on my list of games to revisit.

Neat game, queer main characters. The farming aspect is fun, the plot is cool, and the setting is fascinating with a nice amount of depth.

I like cleaning simulators, unfortunately.

Hey still pretty fucking fun. Like, I remember playing the original on KONGREGATE, that's how old this series is. Amazing that it's withstood the test of time and they continue making not just games but updating those games consistently. Fascinating.

Truly the gaming comeback story of all time.
I will say, back in the day when it first came out, when people were screaming and crying and shitting their pants because it wasn't the Star Wars fantasy of their dreams, I was still in love with it. Since then, it's flourished and grown and become something SO much larger than it once was.
There's multiplayer and story and base building and mechs and more races and just! There's so much to do! And the community is still THRIVING with each update, it's truly a remarkable game with wonderful developers and a great community.
One of my favs.

It's like the game I grew up with, but better!

It's fun. It's expensive. I only ever pirated it, but I've played it a ton.
It's worth like... a thousand dollars for all of the DLC.
I don't fucking know, man. Middle of the road, I guess.

Truly one of the best stealth games of all time. The Dishonored series excels as my top stealth game, and honestly one of the biggest inspirations as far as fictional universes go. Dishonored 2 dives deeper into what the first sets up, and everything it adds is only constructive and makes the series better.

This game changed my brain chemistry permanently. I love you Kingdom Hearts 2. You gave me countless friends, relationships, and memories from your release to present day. For the past almost 20 years you have been nothing but a positive in my life and you will continue to be so for another 20 more.

Uggggghhhhh it's fine.
The worlds are fine, the combat is fine, the story is bad fine, I guess. It's just whatever. Re:Mind is good but there's no salvaging a solidly mediocre game that released 7 years after the last installation.