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1 day

Last played

January 13, 2022

Platforms Played


It's been a while since I played a golf game, but I enjoyed the new swing mechanics this game introduced. It's easy to pick up, but hard to master.

The speed golf, on the other hand, is a miss for me. I can understand how it might be fun for a few multiplayer matches, but it's largely antithetical to what makes golf games fun for me: taking my time to make deliberate, accurate shots.

The adventure mode is a bit of a mess and feels like a first draft of ideas rather than a polished experience.

The lack of content the game had at launch has been mostly solved by updates. The game launched with only 6 courses but now has 11, as well as a few extra modes. It's great more courses were added, but It's not a good look for Nintendo to withhold content for DLC that should have been a part of the base game.

The courses, while not bad, feel like a missed opportunity. Most have a distinct visual look but feel largely the same when playing. The New Donk City course is great, and I would have loved to see more Mario-themed courses. An Island Delfino Course, a Galaxy Course... even just a standard Mushroom Kingdom course would have been welcome.

Overall, I still had fun playing the game because the core golf gameplay is fun. If you're thinking about picking it up, it's probably best to go in with low expectations.