This game was made for me personally and i love it. MC is insufferable but he's also me fr trying to smooch all these eldritch horrors. Humour was 10/10, art style is great, I would play so many hours of this premise of just annoying MC perpetually serial dating every anime-girl-ified eldritch horror in existence to the point of being an intergalatical threat.

Finding out this was a free demo makes so much sense because it felt like a prologue and a Day 1 and that's it.
Dill is the only route that actually provides, I loved Kennel but I was so confused when it ended abruptly because his had the least romance, I don't think the writers even expected anyone to like Sage and starting off a VN route with "I see you as like a little sister" is WILD and I genuinely miss the person I was before doing Laurier's route because wtf (for a VN love interest that is clearly so main character coded I've never been so repelled - if there was an option to adopt the other three and trade Laurier for a dog, I'd take it).
Voice acting, music and character design slapped though which makes the disappointment once you realise how little there actually is so jarring. Some parts are genuinely funny and entertaining and cute. Its like they couldn't decide if they wanted to make an April Fools joke or an actual fun little game and ended up mashing together both.

Was expecting a little more from this game, but overall still a charming and enjoyable experience for a relaxing afternoon playing. I had some tiiiiiny nitpicks that I think would have just made the game overall "better" (like changing the font to look less like it was made on Movie Maker), but considering I'm pretty sure this was just a small game from a small group of people, I shouldn't be hyper-critical. It was a cute and tranquil experience and it was fun going through and seeing all the incorporation of Chinese folklore and its simple but rich and beautiful world. Ending was a bit blunt and I wish I didn't have to play through the first half again just to get the final achievement you can't get by just playing through as it's wholly linear experience isn't super engaging for a second reply, but I'm a completionist so lets go.

Looking back on this, I was mad to give it two and a half stars. Re-reviewing just to lower my rating lmao

Beautiful game with enjoyable and satisfying gameplay, gorgeous visuals, and individualistic, interesting characters that make you excited to find out who you're going to meet next. Unfortunately I think I encountered a few bugs that stopped the ending feeling as emotional as it could be, as I was unable to finish Buck, Jackie and Moth Girl's quests. It just irked my inner completionist as I ultimately had to complete the main storyline without them. Some characters felt they had more put into them than others, but I think that's sometimes to be expected with a large cast. Without those little things stalling some of my enjoyment, this would have probably been 5 stars, but otherwise an absolutely heartfelt, wonderous game that feels like an experience, not just an entertainment media.