It's jank, it's unpolished, and all around not a fun game to play, especially alone (learned that the hard way). But in all honesty, you not only can do so much worse than this, you can also derive some ironic enjoyment out of it. The true highlight is the unlockable clips of the various Cartoon Network shows represented, as these often give explanations for Supers, alternate costumes, etc.

Overall, still a better WB plat-fighter than Multiversus.

Sure, it's slower than Melee, random tripping is a pain, and the less I say about Brawl Meta Knight the better. But I still love this game more than Melee, if not for the new stuff it adds.
Out of all the Smash Bros. games, this one heavily incapsulates the "Nintendo history museum" vibe that the whole series gives off, what with the Chronicle and the playable demos of old games.


Pretty solid 3D brawler, and kudos for making it feel more like the show as so many licensed games tend to miss that one point.
Also, why is Fred FredBurger of all characters so cracked in this game?