It's still a Smash Bros. game, I still like it. But I don't know, compared to Brawl, it has that missing something. I'll figure it out soon.

The biggest sin to ever come out of mobile gaming, I'm not even kidding.

The gold standard for mobile gaming. It has the trappings of a standard AAA mobile game, but here it's much more tolerable.

Absolute kino right here. You may not agree, but this is what peak monster catching on 3DS looks like.

Yeah, I pirated it because this game goes for extortion level prices online.


As someone that grew up with this and Mega Microgames, yeah WarioWare is based and epic.

I liked it when Cash Banooca became a playable character in a game that wastes a lot of money (in a good way).

The crossover to end Endgame. It's a great time, although it does have that usual Lego game problem where "if you played one, you kinda played them all". That's not a negative towards the game though.

This game is realistic, this is what I dream of on a regular basis. 10/10 on that.

It's weird, and I like that. It's no Battle for Bikini Bottom or Movie Game, but it's solid. Just don't play it on Wii. I'd much rather take worse graphics and a usable control scheme over tacked on motion and pointer controls.

Great time, but why do you have to be stuck with a predetermined lineup.

Mech stages suck and unusually cheap for a licensed kids game in terms of challenge, but the core of the game is still pretty solid.

The game of all time, villain is literally "He's just like me fr" with SpongeBob and that's really funny.

Personally speaking, THIS is the game Yo-kai Watch 2 should've been from the start.

Not only does it do away with the dual-release format, it also adds a boatload more content onto an already content-packed game.

With this game, the postgame is pretty much endless as you have access to a lot of quests that you don't know where to begin. You can go to Gera Gera Land and have a wondrous time. You can uncover the past of characters like Darknyan, Dame Dedtime, and even Whisper. You can even fight secret bosses along the way.

That's not all, the underwhelming Blasters mode has been updated to Psychic Blasters, containing even more Super Bosses than before. It also becomes more accommodated for the lone player, meaning it's possible to stick it to the Big Boss even when you're alone.

However, the RNG, inconsistent designs, and other miscellaneous problems still persist, but I could be less than bothered by them here.

Overall, a fantastic time, flaws and all. Would highly recommend.

From a vanilla YKW2 perspective, it improves and runs circles around the first game (not that it was bad or anything), to the point where the first game kinda becomes redundant to play, especially after playing this game.

All the new things this game adds, from the Model Zero watch to the Wicked Tribe, they evolve the concept not by a lot, but just enough to become it's own separate beast.

The story is also pretty great. Quests are now more substantial and play a bigger role, shoutouts to the Jibanyan's Secret quest in particular. The villain, Dame Dedtime, is properly introduced at an appropriate point within the middle of the story unlike McKracken who was introduced near the end.

However, this doesn't mean there are problems, as there are.

The Crank-a-Kai is back, and with it, the bullshit RNG came back too. This is especially a problem with the all new Oni Crank introduced in this game, as a lot of evolutions from the first game are locked through this method.

Also like the first game, some Yo-kai designs are hit-or-miss. Some, like a majority of the Classic Yo-kai, the shrunken down Befriend-able Bosses, and Gutsy Bones's lineage all look fantastic. But there are also designs that aren't as good, such as Robbinyu or Snobetty. There's less duds, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Lastly, the dual-release format. Why? Wouldn't it be better to just release the game as one instead?

Overall, I'd recommend this game without hesitation, but I would advise to be cautious, especially with the dual release format.

Oh, you sweet prince. You were taken from us far too soon. You used to be one of the more tolerable mobile games out there. What on Earth happened?
(Also no, I'm not delving into the can of worms that is Puni Puni, I'm never opening that cesspool)

As one of those simple co-op games akin to the LEGO games, it's pretty solid. I can see a kid and their siblings or parents enjoying it for a while.

As expected, I have a few gripes, most of which stem from me playing the Wii version (the one without the DLC).

First, while I do like the visuals of the game, in particular the environments, it does feel lower-end, but not to a distracting degree. Even then, there were better looking games before this, ESPECIALLY on the Wii. Kirby: Return to Dream Land released the same year and it looks better than this by a mile. Also doesn't help that the player character's face is constantly at a grimace when the camera is pulled far back.

Speaking of lower-end, enemy AI. I have no clue as to why the enemies behave in a similar manner as the player. I get it's to halt progression, but that still doesn't make it any less of an inconvenience.

Overall, I enjoyed the game fine enough, I just wish I could like it more. Still better than Plankton's Robotic Revenge, that's for sure.