Log Status






Time Played

0h 33m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 2, 2024

Platforms Played


A rip-off of the popular Nintendo Switch exclusive indie title Suika Game, Big Watermelon Match is a soulless attempt at chasing a trend. It removes everything that made SG fun: The designs are ugly, there are no leaderboards, and your biggest fruit is constantly spinning counterclockwise. I think this is an attempt to shuffle your fruit pieces around in an attempt to avoid the frustrating situation the og game sometimes presented when 2 fruits just would not touch. But it rarely works as intended.

While Big Watermelon Match is a lesser experience than Suika Game in every way (touch screen support being the only real improvement) my thoughts were initially a bit kinder for one reason: Suika Game is trapped behind the Nintendo iron curtain. I don't know the reasons for this, but the harsh truth is that if a gap is left unfilled on other platforms, someone is eventually going to see the money on the table and whip up an imitation. We've seen it with classic titles like Pac-Man and Super Mario Bros and even today there are many attempts to steal the battle royale crown from Fortnite. But to my shock, when I went to log this game I discovered it is also a Nintendo Switch exclusive. Why?! Who is this game for? Suika Game has more brand recognition, is a better game on the same console and has the exact same price as BWM! If Big Watermelon Match had been released on other consoles or pc or mobile I would understand why someone made this cash grab. But to be so lazy as to put it on the switch alone and hope you hook a few sales? Pitiful. The rare game that literally has no reason to exist.