The wonderful undersea world of SB:BFBBR is great. But holy heck is it outdated in certain spots. The wonderful remaster of this makes it so much more beautiful, and so much more vibrant and personable and magnificent. The only problem with it is in certain spots it feels like it's a 2004-esque game.

They're very minor things, like animations being messed up, weird physics engine mishaps, some robots are still aggressively even more rough than the rest. The stuff such as that makes it very clear that it's a REMASTER of a game from the Gamecube era, not it's own separate thing.

However, even with that, the game is still incredibly solid as a collectathon while not feeling super super bloated. Spatulas come in often enough to keep giving the player incentive to keep playing. The boss fights are super great. The levels (for the most part) are fun to play through and the writing is really really good too.

But MAN is it a remake of a gamecube game.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024
