Holy wow this game. Nauseating. The game play was steller and the story was gripping. The stakes felt real in this game. It feels like Toby Fox took this game and made it for kids/teens (and I mean that in the best possible way).

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Finally, we have a game on an even playing field of the first game. The bond between AJ and Clem is as strong and beautiful as Clem and Lee. Clem's flashback of Lee in this game (and the second one? Maybe?) are so touching and beautiful. I didn't love the new combat but that could've been a personal grievance. But this game finally brings back the real heavy choices. I felt the consequences of all my actions with AJ watching closely behind me. PLUS LESBIANS which always brings me joy. Great game.

The game overall is okay, better than 2 but not as good as the first. But what tips this game over is the HILARIOUS conversation options they give you. I had to pause the game to laugh so many times- I highly recommend doing an anarchy run of this game you'll get a lot of joy from it.

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This game was pretty rough. None of the characters were too memorable to me and all looked similar stylistically. I was pumped when Kenny came back and stuck by his side. Though I am doing a reply where I only give sassy responses and that has lead to a much funnier game and far more interesting dialogue with the cast. So, maybe with that knowledge I'd rate it higher, but after the first game it was a huge let down.

The first in an amazing series. The choices made in this game are thought provoking and haunting. The characters are all charming and memorable. Overall a great game.