Starfield 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 17, 2023

First played

September 5, 2023

Platforms Played


Sooner or later I'd end up speaking about this game. I had a feeling of dread breathing down my neck because of the fact I hadn't. I stopped playing it near the ending of the main story because the truth is: the more I played it, the more I disliked it. But I have a very strong sense of finishing the things that I start, most of the time at least. I already spent some tens of hours into this game so I might as well conclude it. Yeah yeah, "sunk cost fallacy" or whatever.

There are very few positives I can gather from this game. Only one I can think of right now is the ship builder mechanic, it's very fun having the ability to customize your own ships, even within the limitations of the game, the variety is considerable. That's pretty much it as far as positives go.

Didn't get into the settlement/outpost building system, it was confusing and convoluted, and thanks to the horrible inventory management system it was even more complicated. The weight you can carry is very limited, borderline insulting, and the perks don't help much. Thanks to that you can't even carry all your resource on yourself nor on your ship, making the crafting and building processes annoying and inefficient. This is the worst inventory management system I've ever seen in a AAA game.

There is not a single interesting character whatsoever, everyone in the main story faction has to be morally good (boring) and have no discrepancies between them whatsoever adding to their already cardboard personality and expressions.

Exploring the galaxy is painful, tedious, and repetitive just as the quests are. They went for the quantity over quality route, throwing you thousands of planets and satellites to explore with no interesting content whatsoever in them.

For a game that boasts infinite possibilities with its exploration, there's little to no freedom in this. The number of unkillable NPCs is ridiculous, everything is streamlined for you to be a "good guy", because Bethesda wants you to play the game their own way. No fun allowed.

Are you subscribed to Game Pass and are playing this? I recommend you go play the Mass Effect trilogy instead. Now it is the best time to play one of the best sci-fi stories in all of fiction. As far as space adventures go, that is the best experience you're going to get, and it's a better use of your time.

Are you subscribed to Game Pass and you want a more FPS-RPG experience similar to this but with actual choices and better mechanics? Go play Fallout New Vegas instead. A game made by people who respect your time.

I decided I won't be applauding mediocrity anymore. The "it's a Bethesda game" doesn't cut it anymore. It's not the early 2010's anymore. It's the 2020's now and you spent like 15 years developing this game only to deliver a mediocre product and forgettable narrative. You are a subsidiary of the richest, most powerful tech company in the world, you got the resources, do better.

Outside their online Fallout 76 game, this is arguably the worst and most boring game Bethesda has developed and released.

Note: the special edition Xbox controller is really pretty, I'll give them that.