Game was recommended to play on stream. At first glance it looks and feels like may platformers, but there is a level that takes it up a notch when you can mix and match your powerups to create a new robot to help assist you in different ways. Controls are tight which are a huge plus. Music is great too. The difficulty spikes with later bosses and it does get frustrating, but it's like finishing a puzzle and you have to put the pieces together. Recommend for those looking for a challenge.

When I saw the launch trailer I was very intrigued, as the game looked like retro NES Castlevania games. And to be honest it plays like it too. AWESOME music, gameplay, and overall fun. Controlling the main character is a bit wonky at first but you get used to it. After completing the game you unlock two new modes and another playable character so it makes for some replay value, and for speedrunning. Would highly recommend. Game is short, so maybe grab it on a sale.

Fantastic game! Brilliant idea for a twinstick shooter that looks and feels like a classic Zelda game.