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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 21, 2022

Platforms Played


This game is the definition of acquired taste. At first, the graphics would probably put anyone off, but the more you play, the more you start to see what they were going for and the aesthetic behind it. When I completed the main story, I was no longer bothered by the graphics, and appreciated what they tried to do. However, they failed and while the graphics do not impede my enjoyment of the game, I certainly can't say they are good.

Now, the core of the game is really the gameplay. It's quite simple, if you like A-RPG looter games, right now you pretty much have this or Marvel's Avenger to play. The gameplay here is good and enjoyable. Each weapon plays very differently and the builds you can make are varied. You have different modes for each weapons that impact gameplay, giving you interesting choices.
It doesn't do anything new, and to some extent, this is pretty much Nier Automata combat gameplay in a GaaS. The balance of the missions is not always good however, resulting in brainless button mashing is a lot of them due to how easy things are.

The campaign was interesting to follow and the music shines throughout the game.
The post game is less interesting with the same environments and missions structures repeated over and over, but that is expected of a looter game.

This first season has been rich in updates and I was happy to go back to the game every few weeks to check things out and finish the Battle Pass which is included with the game for this first season.
This is probably the easiest to complete and most generous battle pass I have seen in a while.

Now, I won't be paying for Season 2 though and I'm happy to let this game go after well over 50hrs. I had a lot of fun with it and I believe if people looked beyond the graphics, they would have a lot of fun. If coop A-RPG looter gameplay is your thing, you should absolutely give the demo a go and make your own opinion.