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An all-round good - occasionally great - summation of the Wipeout experience that sometimes just absolutely collapses at the knees due to being on the PSP. When weapons are going off everywhere and the racers are all bunched up the slowdown is intense. The first few tournaments in any Wipeout are always jarringly slow when the last thing you played in a previous entry is the higher speed rankings but here it's accentuated even further.

Aside from that though you're back on solid ground after the nightmare that was Fusion. The handling is much improved (i.e. returned to the PS1 days) and the midair barrel roll for a speed boost when you hit the ground at the expense of some ship health is a neat addition, if a bit inconsistent. A strong set of track layouts with some nice visual flourishes, the customary brilliant music and a return to what Wipeout should be visually: sleek, enigmatic and block colours the whole way. It isn't topping 3 in terms of memorable tracks or purity of execution but it didn't need to at the time. Just having this series in all its glory on a portable system, even considering the slowdown, was plenty enough. Playing it now on emulation without the attached 'it's Wipeout in the palm of your hands!' novelty isn't quite as exciting after what came before, but it's still Wipeout and it still rules.