God of War Ranked

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This game is phenomenal, didn’t even think I’d like it this much but yeah. I still prefer the old combat but damn this game's story and characters are amazing.
This game fucks, the moment you start you’re just killing shit and then you get sent to hell and break out just to kill shit again. Some of the best bosses as well btw.
This is the perfect sequel, builds upon everything with a better story and with a more fleshed out world, great bosses here and a really fun story.
I don’t know why I just couldn’t get into this game as much as the others, I think it's still great obviously but it just didn't stick with me as much as, for example 2018.
Great first game, weakest in the mainline series though. Was great fun and honestly prefer this combat but the other mainline games just beat it by a mile.
This game's good but at the same time lacks something unique, it had like one cool boss and Kratos's brother, which admittedly was a decent character but overall pretty forgettable.
Pretty good, for a handheld I mean. It had a serviceable story with 2 bosses I found pretty damn cool but other than that it didn't really feel that special.
This game is fine, it’s the weakest GoW overall but it’s still ok. The story is just fine and I don’t really care for the bosses either.


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