One of these best 9.99s i ever spent.


I am dead serious, there is not a single legal way of getting this game anymore apart from buying a physical copy of it on eBay or a shady buried site or something. Anyway, the point is that this game does not deserve that treatment and is arguably one of the best Driver games to date. It features some really great gameplay design, that includes one of the only examples of a second person game ever made. Unconventional gameplay tactics and creative mission design is for sure a strong side to this game. The soundtrack is licenced but generally quite enjoyable. San Francisco is nice and detailed as well as all the npcs with many nods and references to movies and other pieces of media. The game can run on pretty much anything and still look decent, and the story is nothing to scoff at either. Although after you have completed it the game can become boring rather quickly. I would still say that if you have a chance to get this game don't waste it. Even if you don't play it, a physical copy is the equivalent of an investment nowadays. Overall a solid and enjoyable game.

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Even if the visuals have aged pretty badly. I would say that if your looking to experience some old classics that are not pixelated or on arcade machines you could give this a go. For the time it was released it was revolutionary and the story or "lore" is quite compelling which is one of the main motivators that pushed me towards completing the game. It has some great setpieces ranging from the resonance cascade to the gross, grungy otherworldy enemies and environments. (especially Xen although those are some of the worst levels in the game) A lot of it might seem tedious, but when those heat of the moment parts kick in along with Kelly Baileys incredible soundtrack, you suddenly appreciate it all. Not everything about it is as great as its hailed to be, but it definitely deserves its title, and its worth the satisfaction to finish it.

PS. The water level will make you shit bricks for months.

An oldie but a goodie

Max Payne has held up surprisingly well since its release and is a complete power fantasy, not to say the game is extremely easy. But getting through the hoards of enemies in slow motion while flying through the air, nearly makes you feel as badass as Max probably does. Its got some innovative gameplay features such as the nightmare scenes and bullet time (obviously). Which have influenced many games that came after it. Its edgy, film like,cool and its just fun. If you get it you probably wont be disappointed with it.

I absolutely love this game..... however.

The story is told masterfully and the lack of HUD really makes you feel like your experiencing a film rather than playing a game. This is helped loads by the biblical soundtrack that really helps set the atmosphere along with the cutscenes.(in all their British charm) The roughly 10 square miles of London are recreated really well with detail and its almost like a time capsule since the game is nearly 20 years old. Speaking of which, The Getaway had a lot of ambitious features for its time and ultimately this is where it fell short. The Gameplay department feels a bit stiff and hard to control. The vehicles are too delicate, there is little guidance for the player, the aiming on the guns is inverted, and lets not even mention the god awful time it takes to heal. (These were all fixed in the sequel though.) And it will definitely take time to beat (and a few smashed controllers.) Despite all this, its charm reels me in and i can say i would consider this a great game and would recommend it to anyone who loves films.