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November 23, 2022

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A true nightmare

The Old Hunters probably alleviates one concern some people might have had with the original game: the bosses were too easy and it's also really just more of Bloodborne. What's there not to like here?

The new areas including a remixed Cathedral Ward are amazing and up to the quality the base game's high standard that was already set up here. The bosses themselves are all amazing even the multiple enemy one somehow which I was surprised by. The final boss will honestly kick your teeth in to the point I didn't stop until I nailed every parry on him and essentially memorized every move he did based on the animation itself. All satisfying fights with excellent themes I won't even list so you can experience that sound for yourself when you fight them.

It's really hard to argue with not getting this considering it adds several hours of Bloodborne to your experience tailored for the end game and delivers completely as an expansion to the original. If you want more of a challenge, it's here.