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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 17, 2022

Platforms Played


Barely functional

I remember this game even as a kid being extremely difficult and cheesy as hell. I spent like 30 minutes playing around and beating the game like twice which isn't long at all which is to say the game isn't fun at all.

The concept of the characters of Shrek duking it out in a fighting game is a cool idea. I can't really think of any positives here.

The whole game is clunky as hell to play. The AI is really bad too and the music is below average. You can pretty much cheese the hell out of this game with just spamming Shrek's kick move like I did. Not even much point replaying it either unless you want to play the game again with some new characters you unlocked but that would involve playing the game again.

If you really want to play Shrek on the go, I'm sure there are better games out there to fill that niche. A very clunky Shrek fighting game.