Being one of the first "survival horror" experiences on a console ever, this was kinda inventive on how to portray your character having just a pair of eyes and tip tapping footsteps when you move around in the dark. Enemies appearing out of nowhere and the only ability to see with light for specific items is the only way you can circumvent defeat. I'm a bit surprised how it manages to create the feeling that you should be scared with so little but it works pretty well.

Pretty obtuse off the bat but surprisingly pretty fun. It's actually a bit hard to describe what's even going on or how anything even works but definitely deserves its reputation. Fast paced, different style of playing compared to regular shooters at the time, decent sound design as well makes this a must play for any 2600 owner or fan.

Instantly reminds you of those water shooter games at the carnival in that you have to keep the stream going to hit something. Pretty responsive for a 2600 game and pretty fun too. Bit on the easier side but this was mostly marketed for youths so it makes sense on that front.

For one of the first ever sports game on a console, it gets the job decently enough. You got innings, multiplayer modes, the essence of what you really do in a baseball game with pitching, batting and running. That's really it though.

Cool beach setting and not too bad in recreating the sport of volleyball but the controls are a little weird in that you're sort of controlling two people at the same time and can throw you off but a decent rendition of the actual sport nonetheless.

Simple yet effective rendition of the sport of football. Game looks great for a 2600 title as well and just as responsive. Surprisingly fast paced too.

Pretty cool space sim (sort of) game on the 5200. Looks amazing and the variety of viewpoints is a cool touch. First person really feels like a 3D game with how the sprites worked.

A weird but satisfying gameplay loop in that more than just shooting enemies, you also have to catch that exact bullet used to destroy that enemy back and then afterwards catch the prisoners for extra points. The level design makes moving around easy enough to do that it never felt clunky and make you constantly on the move.

"quadrun! quadrun! quadrun!"

Just like the RealSports football game before it, a simple and effective way to portray soccer with the resources given. Stealing the ball by running over someone, passing or switching to a different team member with the button with no goalie to really worry about. Can't ask much for more than that all things considered.

Likely if not the best tennis game on the system, controls are incredibly responsive, the sprites look great for what can be done at the time and the ability to even put your own name at the beginning of the match. Actual decent time with this one.

Miner 2049er feels like a 2D platformer combined with a tiny bit of Pac-Man in that you have to walk on every floor to progress to the next level. He's pretty slow when you move and jump but it doesn't feel that bad compared to other titles on the platform at least. There's a few types of obstacles and options for traversal such as elevators, sand traps and etcetera. Only a few levels for this version as you need another version of this game for the rest.

Builds upon Miner 2049er at least in the 5200 version. More elaborate platforming challenges and better controls makes this a good sequel to the former. Also doesn't walk as slow as the former as well. Gotta keep in mind there's fall damage too and a cool minigame when you gotta put your name in.

One of the best looking 2600 games and a cool sequel to Star Raiders. Trading the first person perspective for a third person perspective, Solaris brings some great frantic space shooting.

Part of the RealSports series on Atari 2600 comes the boxing variant of the series. Pretty basic set up with having four characters to select from and just straight up starting in a match immediately. Surprised there's hit animations when someone gets hits making this one of the more advanced 2600 titles out there even with it coming out late in it's life.

Pretty fun for what feels like a arcade dungeon crawler in some respect. Each floor gets more and more challenging and it goes from A-Z in terms of the total floors. You can beeline for the ladder or try to rack up points for a good high score as well.