68 Reviews liked by ExDj46

perhaps the game just isn't for me but i feel like there is too much idling in this game. i suppose that's part of the authentic pirate life but it doesn't help that every task feels so monotonous or repetitive.

there's some really good missions you could do that feel less idle-like (looking at gold hoarders) but you are incentivized to play for every faction to see most of the content in the game

could also just be me being a scrub but i think the combat sucks too, so i never have a desire to act like a pirate and instead i commit to being a humble privateer.

there's also just a load of jank. i appreciate the continued support to add so much content, but something about the game still feels really unpolished in comparison to something like Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.

this is a minor nitpick but customization is incredibly important to me in games where it is offered, and it pains me greatly that Sea of Thieves does not let you customize the features of your character. you MUST select from a selection of randomly generated characters, and if you don't like those you just roll the dice again until you find something you like. once you have chosen your random design, if you ever wanted to change you it you must pay a fee. this just pisses me off to no end and is the icing on the cake for why i don't enjoy this game as much as i could.

Words cannot express just how much I love this game. It has the best writing, music, characters and story I've ever seen not just from a game but from any media ever. This is my favorite piece of art ever and I don't expect to ever change my mind on that.

UNDERTALE will always hold a special place in my heart, since without it, I would never have met some of my best friends and I wouldn't be who I am today.

Hard game with good enviroment and setting.

There's no progression at all. None. 0. Good with friends but nothing to achieve.

Character design is more than unique. The deph of interactions is unreal, the story is amazing and the combat has is a mix between bullet hell and rpgs, very fun to play. Soundtrack is also superb. A really good game.

Awesome game! Changed my entire child hood and my perspective on how I view games as a whole. Used to be an average fan boy of the game, and despite me not thinking of it as highly as I used to, it still holds up even to this day!

Very surreal actually playing this game, I've been a fan of it pretty much since it came out from watching playthroughs on youtube and after playing it myself after all this time, my thoughts pretty much haven't changed. Now I do think some of the humor has worn off on me, but most of it still holds up and the music of course is absolutely fantastic. Super creative take on turn-based combat, love how each boss has a unique and surprising mechanic. The characters are wonderful shout out to lesbians and the story-
ok what the fuck am I, a user of the internet, doing reviewing Undertale in the year of our lord 2023 I feel like such a buffoon anyway yes love this game, pretty special to me

Look, I get it. You seen the intense fans everywhere and they're about as toxic as they get. Game however, is genuinely nice. For its time, it was pretty unique and brought back classic tropes kinda forgotten in the modern era and the way the game interacts with your choices was refreshing.

There's 20 odd endings depending on what you do, and I just chose to be a pacifist twice and then I dropped it. I felt no need or want to be mean to these mostly likeable fellows.

pretty cool indie game check it out you might not have heard of it

The peak of gaming #JUSTICEFORCHARA

one of the best games of all time. Toby fox is a genius writer and composer.

normally I only review games here immediately after beating them but I'm making an exception here. and I'm also not really reviewing Undertale, but instead I'm going to share a personally story I wrote up on Twitter in 2019 for the anniversary of the game in which I discussed what this game means to me and why it's probably the most important game I've ever played?

apologies for the self indulgence!


one of the best games ever made imo and one that means a lot to me. first time I played it it hit me hard emotionally along with making me laugh and just giving me a blast of a time to some fantastic music

a couple years later I wasn't playing it but I was going through an identity crisis. I had broken one of the "rules" I had lived my life by and tied to my identity. that combined w other depression issues put me in a rut and I genuinely didn't know who I was at all

and then I saw the "Despite everything, it's still you" scene again and it wrecked me. I remember non stop crying as I remembered this game and remembered this message. and this alone was enough to help me out of that depressed rut. it was enough to help me start accepting myself again. the first step of many

in 2019, I finally replayed the game on switch. and I cried and I laughed and I adored it again. and I know that next time I replay it'll be the exact same

every time I listen to the original version of the song Undertale, I still tear up. every time

this is my 2nd, maybe 3rd, favourite game of all time. this game changed my perspective of self and taught me to not be so hard on myself. to accept that even through all my hardships, through my mistakes, through everything in life, that

Despite everything, it's still me.

and that's beautiful.