Honestly, a really damn solid ending to the game.
Still has a few moments I feel sorta drag, but this is easily where the game peaks so far.
Can't wait for Ashe's ending in 2032, that shit's gonna be peak af

While this game is DEEPLY flawed, in A LOT of ways, at the end of the day, I can't really bring myself to dislike it.
From atmosphere to music to tone, this game just has something about it I can't help but love.

I mean, it's freaking Undertale, there's a reason this shit blew up

Solid little Megaten spin-off, I did feel the difficulty was a bit steep, and I was really not a fan of the time limit, but yeah, that was pretty fun I guess

I... honestly don't have much spoiler-free words.
That was just utterly brilliant from start to finish.
Had some weird pacing for sure, but MAN, when this Episode hits, IT. FUCKING. HITS.

Yeah, sadly I don't like this one as much as most people, I guess I just don't really dig how hard it leans into anime tropes, with the Horney protag and his E-girl friends.

This does have some great moments for sure, but for my money, there are better visual novels out there

Still far from my cup of tea, but eh, it was a bit better then the base game imo.
Level design was a lot more straight forward, which I prefer seeing as there's no map, and there were some pretty neat bosses

Eh, it's inoffensive enough.
I mean I'm sure a lotta folks were offended that they gave classic Sonic a homing attack, but as someone who doesn't care much for the Sonic bible, I don't mind too much to the point of screaming a swear.

I mean, I feel like I don't really have much more praise to say I haven't said before, but yeah Umineko has been definitely worth the hype lol.
Only 2 more episodes to go!

Big suprise, Umineko continues to prove itself to be an impeccable masterpiece, with yet another absolutely incredible Episode.
Cannot wait to see how it ends!

The ARR MSQ is a complete and utter SLUG, but hey, at least the side content is neat

The story in this is way better then it has any right to be, it's by far the best thing to come out of the compellation

Damn, for being the first game in the series, that was a fucking banger (I know it's a remake, but still)
Overall 0 is definitely better, but this was still a really good time!
Story was great, gameplay was fun, it's really everything you could ask for!

It's better then Yoshi's Island don't @ me

Ok so this is pretty much the first REAL Touhou game, and it's honestly insane how much of an improvement it is over the first one.
Didn't like that you had limited continues, but other then that it was a fun time.