game is fun, the world shifting gimmick makes the platform a bit frustrating at times but the combat is very satisfying

great gameplay ruined by terrible level design
the fog of war levels are the one most annoying and frustrating things in a game

Everything about this game is perfect. The music, the characters, the story, the themes, the art style, everything make me feel like if the developers entered inside my brain to make the game the most ideal game possible for my tastes. Now, I know some people might not like how little gameplay there is, others might not like the story as much as I did, but I don't care, I believe art is subjective and the most impactful art to the individual is often the most subjective.

Maybe this game isn't for everybody, but if you are a the kind of person who can relate to the themes of the history, it will be one of the most memorable experiences you can have.