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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 7, 2020

Platforms Played


Imagine a cake. The batter and filling are... ok. They are serviceable. But the frosting is incredible. Not only it looks amazing, but it's also tasty as hell. This is the Titanfall 2 campaign: polished to the max, but without substance.

The action is fine, the shooting is shooty enough, and it certainly feels empowering to climb inside a huge robot that's not only a killing machine full of super powers, but is also your friend. Plus, all the wall-running and wall-jumping makes for some pretty entertaining platforming sections. But in the end, it's just an FPS. It doesn't really bring anything super new to the table, nor does it reinvent any wheels in any interesting way.

When the credits started rolling, everyone in the cast appeared, the character models along with their Titan robots and the name of the voice actors. And all I could think was: who are these people? I played through the whole thing and it was just like... OK, I recognize some of these names, but I couldn't describe anyting about the majority of them, or what their motivations were. Plus, the story couldn't get me to care about any of the literally world-shattering threats. It was just a collection of stages for me to shoot and run through. The biggest story beat happened in a long-ass audio log that I had to sit through, not playing the game.

It's not a bad game (again, the frosting is unbelievable). It's just not really a good one either. Maybe spend 8 hours with a different game?