All style, no substance, I want to care for the protags, the kid is charming and her dialogues are fun, but WHY MAKE THE GUY YOU CONTROL SO BORING, how am I supposed to care about him when he's such a blank slate, even the traits other characters comment about him are extremely basic, he's a good cook, he's brave and... what else? you see almost nothing about his past and he's completely unfazed by anything that happens and the funny thing is that YOU CAN make a silent character show some emotions, see Mother 3 for example, when Flint is told that his wife died, he's enraged and you SEE him thrashing everything on his path, give me something so that I can believe this guy cares about anything.
Unfortunately, the rest of the characters don't get a better treatment with the exception of William you have to assume that everyone else is ok (the people on the underground, the people on the city, Isabel, etc) because after the antagonist is defeated you don't see them in a epilogue or anything
The gameplay is fine, nothing impressive but it's not bad either, can't really say I got bored with it but besides unlocking new weapons every now and then, most of the time you'll use the default one
The artstyle is gorgeous at least, it makes you wish the rest of the game had this much care put into.
Finally the story and the world is barebones, for a story about a world destroyed by a catastrophe, you don't see much of it, 3 major cities and a few places here and there, not much is explained about the world besides the info dump almost at the end of the game
Honestly, what a shame, I wishlisted this game back in the day when it was announced and I saw promise. Recently with this new DLC, judging from the steam description and the trailer, I don't think I'm going to bother with it anymore, I wish the best for the devs but this isn't for me