I feel like both Capcom and SquareEnix need to learn what the word 'Final' means in the first game of a series. In Capcom's defence though I imagine the name "Initial Fight" wouldn't have had the same impact marketing wise so here we are, the first Final Fight that won't be Final.

This is my first time playing Final Fight so I have no way of comparing it with the arcade or SNES versions yet but my impression is the Sega CD version was a decent one. Two surprises hit me playing this, firstly I was surprised how much Streets of Rage took from this game. I don't mean spiritually, but pretty liberally. Axel is an exact copy of Cody, the white T-Shirt, Blue Jeans, even the way he walks as it he wants his pecs to hit the finish line several inches before the rest of him. The enemies are pretty similar, bald fat guy with braces? Wrestler holding his arms out? punk? All present. I've actually had my world shattered to see that Streets of Rage, the beat 'em up series to me is just a clone of Final Fight. The second surprise is how much I actually didn't like this very much, so Streets of Rage is safe.

I didn't expect that going in but Final Fight is just kind of a mixture of frustrating and uninteresting. It's arcade roots filter through in how some enemies simply take far to long to finish off and will often spit roast you to death very quickly or get cheap hits on you when you get up after being knocked down. The bosses are the worst though, one had a gun and just ended up shooting me a lot from the other side of the screen before I could reach him, another threw grenades whilst zipping around, a third had such a dodgy grab range that Cody actually looked like he teleported several metres into his hands. There is very little in your punch, jump and life draining special that counter these sort of designs. It's design seems intentionally measured to separate people from their money very fast.

The enemy variety gets extremely stale to boot seeing all the enemy types by about stage 2 and every time I saw the wrestlers again I groaned from their needlessly large health pool and hideous design. The visuals are pretty nice, it's colourful and the spritework by Capcom is excellent but the enemy designs in most cases I'll be honest I really didn't like. Music is kind of similar, the quality is there, it has a few nice instrumental tracks but why does one of the most prominent tracks sound like two 80's detectives taking a slow drive to a crime scene? Compare these for example:

Final Fight - Slum above ground
Loaded Weapon 1 - Main Theme

It just didn't really match what was happening on the screen. Really Surreal, like I had my tv on mute whilst a buddy cop film was playing in another room.

I'm interested in if Final Fight 2 and 3 build on the groundwork here as many other beat 'em ups did. I respect that while far from the first in the genre Final Fight clearly bought a lot to the table that other series built on and continue to due so so it's gaming legacy is there. Going to it though without the benefit of nostalgia having never played it before I just don't think it holds up all too well.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2023


Aaaaaand just like that your reviews aren’t showing up in my feed anymore. Looks like a missed a few too. Did Backloggd like shadow ban you or something lol

1 year ago

Same, I seem to see some people who appear on my feed all the time but many others I don't see at all even if they are quite active it seems.

1 year ago

I think this has to do with games not showing up on the activity log if you've previously logged for that game before, unless you either mark unplayed and then marked played again or mark it as "finished/completed/abandoned/etc" for the current date. I've definitely discussed this with a couple of friends recently.

1 year ago

Backloggd has a really dumb notification system where new reviews ONLY appear in the feed if you create a brand new log and write the review in the same log at the same time. My last review was something I logged last week but added the review today, so therefore according to the site it does not appear. Ugh
It definitely didn't used to do this!
I submitted a bug on the discord but have yet to see a response.

1 year ago

None of my reviews hit feeds now unless I click the "played" button again, mark it as unplayed, then mark it as played a second time. That seems to work and might be worth trying.
What’s super annoying about all this too is that some user’s reviews will pop up in my feed multiple times. So I’ll have like 3-4 notifications from them for the same review, meanwhile others aren’t showing up at all. It’s frustrating.

Like I hadn’t seen anything from you in so long I honestly thought you weren’t active on here anymore.

1 year ago

I've never played this except it being in my backlog? I guess I'll just clear it each time from now on just in case first.

1 year ago

To be clear, you don't need to nuke the whole log or anything. When you're done and on the game's page, just hit the controller icon, then on the box that pops up hit the button to confirm you're marking it unplayed (this won't change anything else about the log other than its status), then hit the controller again so it's highlighted. That's it. It should then hit people's feeds.

You can check to see if it has by clicking "see more" by "friend's activity" and then filtering to your activity.
What weatherby said, I found this out like a year ago lmao. Mark a game as unplayed and then played again and it will show up in your friends feeds

1 year ago

Just tested that, I see what you mean. Thanks all!

1 year ago

Just saw it hit my feed!

1 year ago

I can confirm that it's back on my activity log, glad it worked!
Same, it appeared now. Hope that gets fixed soon