I've held off writing a short negative review for this stupid game, made by a stupid guy named Johnathan Blow, THE Johnathan Blow that cried in a corner after Soulja Boy had fun in this game, because other than the fact that the game feels bad to play, I had no idea on how to describe this game's stupid artstyle
But now I can
This game looks A.I. generated

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

the thing about jonathan blow games (all two of them) is that the puzzles are good because he's actually just insane, and he is so bad at telling stories/getting ideas across that you would never notice from merely playing that he's an insane person
(also the art wasn't done by blow, it was done by david hellman)
(also he didn't actually cry over the soulja boy video, that was just an edit (but I do believe he would do that since he blocked me on twitter after referencing it in response to him claiming covid was made in a lab to mandate (presumably) bill gates microchip vaccines))