Gameplay loop is honestly pretty fun, if a bit repetitive, and I just find the game as a whole so damn endearing

Janky platformers my beloved ❤️

I love this game so much. Most of it is probably nostalgia but I always enjoy popping it in every now and then. It's not exactly the best party game out there but I think that it's incredible soundtrack, charming visuals and great minigames still make it a fun experience.

Great game with some really good controls, fun movement abilities, great level design, nice visuals and brilliant soundtrack, even if it's mostly comprised of remixes. The forced motion controls are a bit annoying and a lot of the boss fights aren't great but it's a great time regardless.

Great little game. It always keeps me coming back, whether it be for that brilliant atmosphere, satisfying gameplay or just the general charm of it all. My only major gripe with it is that collecting Boos can be quite annoying, but other than that it's a ton of fun.

Great game. Level design is great, controls are really good (though admittedly a bit too sensitive sometimes), the music is fantastic and it's overall a really fun time. Definitely one of my all time favourites.